General Category > Engine related issues

Rough Running R1200GS 2007

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mike d:
The sensors have already been swapped, fault remained on the same side (see first post).


 You could try unplugging that sensor as I understand the ecu would default to a reading of  lambda 1 = 14.7 to 1 AFR
  As the ECU is seeing a  rich reading of 11 to 1  on one cylinder it will try to lean that cylinder out.
 The output signal for the injector pulse width is common to both cylinders so unless that injector is faulty they should be even.
  Try swapping the injectors over.
 Obviously the throttle position sensor is common to both cylinders.

Lambda sensor readings are a reflection of what is happening to the combustion and fuel mixture, not the cause of the issue.  Replacing a lambda sensor because it is giving a rich reading is like running a fever and then tossing out your thermometer because it is giving you a high temp reading.  :o

 I agree Lambda sensor readings are a reflection of what is happening to the combustion and fuel mixture.
 But It seems to be a faulty sensor reporting a rich mixture to the ecu, or a rich mixture being caused by a faulty injector being reported to the ecu by a good lambda sensor.
 As it appears on only one cylinder I can not see anything else that is not common to both cylinders that could make that much difference to the AFR`s of one cylinder.

I have suggested replacing the idle actuators but it would appear that 12 years of experience on these bikes doesn't count for much.


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