General Category > Engine related issues

Rough Running R1200GS 2007

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mike d:
Hi all,

Trying to help out a club member here in the UK. R1200GS 2007.


No stored fault codes.

He took it out for a ride on Wednesday; trying to filter in traffic, it was borderline unrideable, not wanting to pull below 3,000 in any gear. In addition, when pulling up it was cutting out after a few seconds, even when fully warm.
I've been doing further investigation, and found that the lambda sensors were showing radically different values; sensor 2 was generally showing low voltage, indicating that cylinder was running very lean. I swapped the two sensors over to check it wasn't a faulty sensor, and it wasn't. Using a little throttle to keep the revs up a bit, it repeatedly stumbled; each time, the voltage dropped on sensor 2.

Swapped the primary coils over; it made no difference, either to the rough running or the difference between the two lambda sensor outputs. I also checked the TPS, which is fine – 0% on closed throttle, immediately registering any movement, and going up to 100%. Just running it on the drive, I got it up to temperature; it would then idle pretty happily at 1,200. I noticed that if I then gave it just a little throttle – enough to take it to 1,500 – it was then very rough, fluctuating to below 1,000 as it came close to stalling. Given more throttle, it seemed okay.

He found a slightly tight exhaust valve clearance, but even after correct adjustment, the bike still runs rough.

The bike has a full Remus exhaust system and no exhaust flap fitted, 

Adaptations have been reset.

I have attached his initial .CSV file (M BUCK 1) with limited sensors. The file is a log of  – TPS, RPM, injection time, lambda sensors – running it on the drive, including steady idle, steady at 2,00 and above, and the stumbling/rough running between the two.

He also sent me a file with all sensors shown, but it is in XLSX format, which I can't load on the forum.

I still think it could be a faulty Throttle position sensor.

All suggestions gratefully accepted.



Most likely a stuck idle bypass valve.  Swap them over and check whether the symptoms move.

If they do, replace the one on the lean running cylinder.

mike d:
Update time (Members own words), plus attached file

I have made some progress, though it's still not completely okay. Yesterday I went over it again, and found that at least one of the pipes that links airbox to throttle body wasn't seated at the airbox end. That pain was self-inflicted; when reassembling, in place of the BMW clips I used jubilee clips. Those are wider than the BMW clips; they work fine on both ends of the throttle body, but the extra width is a problem on the airbox end. I think that, when I tightened everything up 'just to be sure', it had actually pulled the pipe off. I've now removed the jubilee clips at that end and reseated the pipes, and on a brief test ride it didn't feel like the bike was actively trying to kill me!

It still won't idle when cold, and still runs rough just off idle. Following your email this morning, I swapped over the idle valves, which made no difference to the behaviour or the lambda output values. The attached is from this morning; it needed throttle to start (lines 16 to 23), and then settled to a fairly smooth idle around 1,200 (lines 24 to 51). Take a look at lines 65-ish to 75; on a small throttle setting, that's when it runs rough, the revs fluctuating between 1,600 and 1,000. From line 80 to 133 I used a steady throttle to keep the revs around 2,000; that's when lambda 1 is continually reading high (rich), while lambda 2 is oscillating between rich and lean.


The fact that you need to twist the throttle to get it to start tells me that one (or both) of the idle bypass valves isn't working.  Although the readings on you csv file indicate that they are working, have you physically removed them and cycled the ignition to watch whether they actually move in and out as they are supposed to?

This is what they should do when cycling the ignition.  First click you hear is ignition on, second click is ignition off.


 It would be nice to see a full set of data.
 The lambda voltages oscillate between 100 and 900 mv  the samples that your data is showing can not give any information as the sample rate is slow, and the points can be picked any where from the wave form.
 Best to use the GS911 and look at the wave form.
 The lambda control factor readings would be more interesting along with Injector pulse width ,Air temperature, Engine temperature, Throttle position etc.
  If you publish a full set of data, listing the point at which the problem is occurring, I would like to take a look at it.
  No guarantees, just interested.   


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