General Category > Engine related issues

Rough Running R1200GS 2007

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mike d:
Hi Chris,

Do you want it in graphical format or numeric?


 Just the .CSV file with a full set of parameters would be good.

 From previous .csv file the idle actuator readings look a little bit low at idle and the rpm looks a bit high. Are the blanking rubber caps still on the vacuum ports? and also no one has adjusted the throttle valve stop screws?

mike d:
The following response is again from the member (I am miles away from the bike), see the attached CSV file that is associated with this post:

I've done my best, though it's not a FULL set of data due to that hammering the refresh rate. There are two worksheets in the attached spreadsheet, one where I captured the bare minimum, the other where I captured most of the 'dynamic' settings. Engine temperature was 100-105 C; it was reporting ambient air temperature as 27C, which is around 10 degrees higher than it actually is. I think that's probably due to hot air coming off the engine.

Both sets of data show the same thing, that when using throttle to maintain around 2,000 rpm, lambda 1 stays continually rich while lambda 2 bounces around, anything from 50 to 70 up to the 800s. This time, I spotted that there's quite a difference between the two knock sensors as well. I'm not sure what else is significant in the data. The sampling rate is still low, no more than three samples per second; that was with it set to 'turbo' sampling rate. Is the sampling rate a function of the speed/power of the computer being used, as well as the number of data items being sampled?

Both blanking caps are still in place. I don't even know where the throttle valve stop screws are, so I doubt I've adjusted them!

He has an appointment with the local BMW main dealer today, so whatever is found  I will report back.

 Just had a quick look. will look in greater detail later.
 The lambda sensor in column C at 2000 rpm  is reporting an air fuel ratio of a constant 11 to 1  this is very rich whilst the other sensor looks right at about 14.7 to 1.
  So first I would swap the sensors over.


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