General Category > Engine related issues

Rough Running R1200GS 2007

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I would say 12 years experience counts for an awful lot and for me everyday is a school day I am only trying to help and learn at the same time.
  I am missing something the idle actuators are the same readings although I realise that there is no feed back loop to the ecu to tell the ecu their position.
  But according to the data and the op the idle is fine, the problem is at 2000 rpm when one lambda sensor is reporting a rich mixture of 11 to 1 and consequently the ecu is leaning out the mixture.
  Hence the injector pulse width is less at 2000 rpm with 2% throttle than at idle with 0% throttle.
  As I said earlier I thought the idle actuator position looked a little low at 75 steps at idle I would normally expect to see around 116 steps.

mike d:
Hi Jughead, Chris,

Thanks for your contributions thus far.

He swapped the idle actuators over, and also removed them to test as you suggested, they were operating as per the video clip.

I fully agree with your statement :

Replacing a lambda sensor because it is giving a rich reading is like running a fever and then tossing out your thermometer because it is giving you a high temp reading.

And that's also not what the owner was suggesting. He was looking to understand what was not common to both sides, the injectors have been swapped.

He has a long riding holiday planned in early August, so was trying to get it sorted before then. He had an appointment with the local BMW main dealer today, but I've not heard back from him yet on what if anything has been found.

I will report back on on the findings.




Hope he gets it sorted, it will be very interesting to see what the problem was.  :)

mike d:
Latest episode ;D

There was good news and bad news from the visit to North Oxford today. The bad news is that they haven't been able to track down the problem, or cure it. The good news, part 1, is that I persuaded them to pull the TPS from a used RnineT and try that. It didn't work, but at least that's one component ruled out. The other good news was that they only charged me for an hour's labour, when I suspect they spent more like two hours on it.

Initially, they claimed they had seen suspect data from the TPS: just off a closed throttle, they reckoned it jumped to 100%. That's something I've never seen with the GS-911, and it doesn't fit with the behaviour; if the ECU thought the throttle was wide open, it would instruct the injectors to dump lots of fuel in, which would then make it run catastrophically rich since the butterflies would still be shut. Also, since there's only one TPS, any issue with that would affect both cylinders equally.

So I'm a little further forward. What I have found is that I can get two used lambda sensors, plus two throttle bodies – complete with idle adjusters, injectors and a TPS – from James Sherlock for less than £90. So they should be with me by the weekend. If the problem is still there after changing that lot, I will be completely stumped as to where to go next!


I too would find their TPS finding dubious, normally the track gets dirty although I have seen a wiper come adrift giving an 85%  reading at closed throttle showing an injector pulse width of over 10ms when trying to start the bike, it was swamped with fuel but of course it was on both cylinders.

 Good luck with the replacement parts it will be interesting to see the results.


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