Author Topic: TPS and Hall effect sensor reading  (Read 13498 times)

dub 24

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TPS and Hall effect sensor reading
« on: July 01, 2021, 08:26:49 AM »
Hi folks I have a mate who has a Bmw 1150GS Adventure which has developed an intermittent fault. When the bike is hot it suddenly cuts out just dies and won't restart till it has cooled down. My suspicion is either the TPS or Hall sensor or plug leads.

I  have a GS911 and up to now have only used it to clear faults and set TPS for myself and friends.

My query is will the 911 pick up the suspected hall effect or TPS faults if the bike is cold and running or does the bike have to be in the hot won't start mode .

Any advice would be most grateful .

Dub 24


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Re: TPS and Hall effect sensor reading
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 11:48:06 AM »
Hi Dub24

When you run diagnostics on a non-running 1100/1150, you will get a Hall sensor error.  If the sensor is good and you crank the motor over for a few seconds while doing diags, you don't get the error.

So, I would run the diags and crank the cold motor to ensure that the sensor is working as it should.  Then, when the bike has warmed up and stalled/refuses to restart, I would repeat the diags and see whether the sensor then gives an error.

My money would be on the sensor wiring being buggered.  The sensors themselves rarely fail.