General Category > ABS related issues

25070 internal control module error code - too much slip of rear wheel

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I'm not sure, but I think that there is a wrong final drive.
There are 2 different ABS-sensors listed.
34 51 7 666 436   Raddrehzahlsensor with  O-Ring    11,3X2,2 > thats for your bike configuration.
34 52 7 677 824   Raddrehzahlsensor with  O-Ring   15X2 and for this one I think there is a ABS encoder
on the crown wheel which was changed in 2007.
Try to count the teeth, my old system has 84 teeth. If yours has fewer teeth, you've found the mistake :)

from the repair instructions!
Installation of differently segmented crown wheels.
Malfunctions due to incorrect speed signals.
 Install only the crown wheel that matches the motorcycle's construction status.

Quite correct there Schuppi.

You have the crownwheel from a later model.  Here is the the difference.

This is the one you should have

And this is most likely the one you do have

Thanks for the picts they really help. doing a very rough count the ring would have around 50 indents. my picture looks like the top correct one.

Going at this the other way. I f some one put a later ABS module in my 2005 r1200rt what would that do? I posted a pict of the module.


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