Author Topic: Tire pressure sensors  (Read 10903 times)


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Tire pressure sensors
« on: September 13, 2017, 01:51:43 AM »
R1200RT - 2014 (WC)
After searching the various threads it seems I am not the only one running into problems.  On a long ride recently the rear pressure sensor showed a fault, although the tire pressure was fine.  Later the fault disappeared then later still it returned then the display for the rear tire showed --.  At some point everything started working again and right now everything seems OK ???

My instinct is that the battery is dying, (the front sensor was replaced a year ago) however neither the bike nor the GS911 show a flat battery (careful reading of the manual shows that there IS a separate dashboard symbol for a discharged RDC battery).  At the last scan there were some XRDC associated faults but they were communication errors.

Couple of GS-911 comments:

1. The temperature readouts from the RDC sensors are nonsense (-50 or something)
2. For some reason the RDC readings are not included in the real-time data logging function, this would be handy.
3. If you are brave you can get the rear RDC to come to life by running the bike in gear on the center stand >30km/hr. (don't try this at home folks! :-X)
