Author Topic: Error code 23956 R1200GS (2006)  (Read 14879 times)


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Error code 23956 R1200GS (2006)
« on: September 27, 2013, 05:22:31 PM »
I have a 2006 R1200GS, ABS but no servos.

About 10 to 15 miles into a ride I get the brake failure warning light come on and when I use the GS-911

Error code 23956
Front Wheel Speed Sensor : Long term monitoring of the ABS control phases
The fault is not present now

Restart the bike and the light flashes (as normal) goes off when I pull away.  Comes back on after a few miles.

The wiring to the sensor looks ok and is secure.  I could just try replacing the sensor but that text about long term monitoring, anyone know what that's about ?

Sounds more serious than just the sensor and the sensor must work else the flashing light wouldn't go out as I pull away.



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Re: Error code 23956 R1200GS (2006)
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 10:28:40 AM »
Hi Paul

Check the ABS rings on the wheels themselves. 

I recently had a 2011 GSA that's front ring had a small dent in.  (Looked like it had been damaged during a tyre change or repair)  Obviously that portion of the ring prevented the sensor from picking it up so also generated an error.  Granted, the error came up a lot quicker than 10 miles (was more like 1 or 2) but I would imagine it would depend on how many strobes are lost with each revolution of the wheel.

Also, reset all adaptations.  And learned values wrt tyre size etc will be zeroed and re-learned.


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Re: Error code 23956 R1200GS (2006)
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 08:58:23 PM »
hi guys
 i had a similar issue on a f650 gs twin cylinder and it was the front sensor ring which was warped
so i would start there.