General Category > Central Vehicle Electronics/ZFE/GM issues

R1200RT Instrument Cluster Blank

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--- Quote from: WayneC on August 21, 2015, 03:30:25 PM ---I cant see the pic and info with the actual iLevels, if I was able to see it I could perhaps look up the dates etc for you  ;D

--- End quote ---

Sorry Wayne my bad - I have updated the post with the image now.

I checked and the K024-09-02-500 iLevel is from around the beginning of 2009

There would probably have been an iLevel on the individual ECU's in the report which could be compared to the iLevel of the ZFE you purchased

mike d:
Greyscout has opened up the old ZFE and there is a lot of corrosion, I'm suer he will post the photos on hear for all to see.


Tell him to get some isopropyl alcohol and a soft toothbrush and gently clean both sides of the pcb.  What I have found with modules is their voltage regulators have aggressive over current protection and shut down to protect the ECU. The dirt and corrosion can cause leakage currents

Well as Mike said - I was curious so I took inside the ZFE. It's in a bad way !

I've repaired PCBs in a similar sort of condition in the past, I am hopeful that the damage has been confined to the power supply side as the unit stands almost vertical on the bike. As always with this sort of thing though the risk of voltages tracking across is there and there may already be sensitive components damaged. As Wayne says though - worth a shot and if it works I have a spare ZFE !!

Thanks to everyone on here for their help and input ad I really think it is worth saying that without the assistance of the GS911 from Mike - I doubt I would ever have been able to trace the fault. So thumbs up to the Hexcode team for designing and building it and BMW UK for lending it to me.

Mike - the coffees, cakes and biscuits are definitely on me at the next meet !



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