General Category > Engine related issues
Help with Lambda Data and AF-XIED
Worst that can happen is that it runs very rich (might impact the catalytic converter permanently) or very lean (egt may be hot).
This 3,299 V value indicated a connection failure, maybe connectors faulty or not excisting.
Are you shure, the module you retrofitted is for your K50 bike?
Meanwhile there are modified O2 Sensors fitted.
I tested the GS911 WiFi into a Husky Terra recently and it had a AF-XIED, the AF-XIED had failed and was sending 0v for 02 to the BMS-E, there was no fault indication on the AF-XIED but a fault code on the BMS-E. They must be rather cheap to make as Nightrider accepted the unit failed and not only shipped a replacement but shipped some sort of test unit as well, they did not want the failed unit back either
Needless to say the AF-XIED was removed from the bike and will not be refitted as the owner saw no improvement from fitting it in the first place
The only safe combustion improvement on these lean burn engines which let the BMS do it's job as designed are Pulstar capacitive spark plugs
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