I have used my own GS911 and the one of my friend to make a datalogging file of a F800GS (2016). Initially it worked fine, the first test logfile was ok but did not contain the data that we wanted, but the file was ok in itself.
The second session produced a file that was totally unreadable, apparetntly a 8-bit binary dump of "something". Anyway not rthe expected ZIP file.
We tried several thing to get agood file, but no result.
Then when we tyrtied again, we could not connect our GS911 to the bike (point-to-point mode)
It does recognise the GS911, but logging into the browser (IP does not work, resulting in an empty screen and no activities.
When we tried the GS911 of my company (Registered as BERRT, sold to us by Touratech) we had the same result, no data and not ppossible to log in ono the F800GS. This unit is unuable as well.
Later on I tried to connect to my own and new F900GS, with same result.