Hi Wimblejon
Thanks for reaching out. Were these changes done with the ignition on? If yes, most likely the issue came in with the "On when engine running" feature not being enabled.
For some additional information, I've included an extract from our FAQs regarding the ezCAN draw while in sleep mode:
The device will still go into sleep mode with a maximum draw of 800μA (microamps)/hour. In order to completely drain a 12V battery, the ezCAN would need to be connected to it for more than a year with nothing else connected to the battery.
As with the GS-911, we always recommend having your bike on a trickle charger while working on it when the ignition is turned on. Even though the ezCAN and GS-911 draws exceptionally low currently while awake, that, together with the standard ECUs consumption, will drain a battery below the starting threshold quite quickly.
Kind regards