General Category > GS-911

Adding DWA alarm

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I picked up a DWA8/XDWA/DWA Basic alarm, part number 65755A958C2, and am attempting to code it to my USDM 2024 S1000XR.

It appears to have coded as the module now reports my VIN when I query it.  My remote, with two buttons, will cause it to beep 3 times (instead of the manual's listed 2) when hitting button 1, and one time when hitting button 2.  Notably, putting button 1 a second time will cause it to beep 3 more times, but subsequent button 1 presses do nothing.

The turn signals do not flash.  Jostling the bike does not set off the alarm.  Unplugging the alarm in what I assume is the armed state will cause it to go off.

I do not have any alarm settings available in my instrument cluster under Vehicle Settings.

What am I missing?

Tilt sensor status says uncalibrated.  Live values from the DWA module show angles being recorded correctly, and they adjust when I move the module.  Reading just another paragraph in the owners manual, the second press is to arm without the tilt sensor, which results in 3 beeps.

Seems like my problem is the tilt sensor isn't calibrated, and I'm not seeing a way to calibrate it.

Throwing in the towel for now.  I did find in the body controller (lite) under just "configuration" for online coding there was a toggle for the alarm's existence.  I turned that on and now the indicators blink when arming/disarming, but the tilt sensor calibration is nowhere to be found and I can only arm the alarm with the 3 beep situation.

emailed to open a ticket and HEX got back to me within a few hours -- the missing step was the "retrofit" procedure, as my bike didn't have the delivery coding for the alarm.  This is located in the parent menu under "Service Reminder / Vehicle Functions".

All is well, now!  Thanks again to Ruan and Wilco!

Been trying to add alarm on gs1250 for almost 3 months the retro fit doesn’t allow key buttons to be recognised , I will end up taking to dealer and sell 911 as it was the only reason I purchased to add alarm .


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