General Category > GS-911

Adding DWA alarm

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--- Quote from: Anthony9191919191 on December 05, 2024, 08:51:01 PM ---Been trying to add alarm on gs1250 for almost 3 months the retro fit doesn’t allow key buttons to be recognised , I will end up taking to dealer and sell 911 as it was the only reason I purchased to add alarm .

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From what I'm reading, some bikes specifically have a 'pairing mode' to learn the controllers.  My '24 XR doesn't, but yours might. Have you emailed hexcode?  Run an autoscan, save it, and attach it to an email to -- they got back to me within a day with the solution.

We're working on streamlining the procedure a little bit. Currently the required steps are

* Perform the retrofit from the "Service Reminder / Vehicle Functions" menu
* If factory XDWA module in uncoded state: Perform flashing via the Restore Coding function under the alarm Coding Functions menu (currently in Beta, soon to be released)
* Configure alarm as wanted via the functions under the alarm Coding Functions menu
* If key fobs are married to keyless controller and bike has no central locking features: Enable the transmission of button events internally between Keyless and Alarm controllers under the keyless controller Coding Functions menu in the Configuration function (currently in Beta, soon to be released)

Neil jordan:
I’ve got a problem with my Dwa
BMW say it’s not working
But my hex sees module
Can I add my alarm with hex now ?
Cheers neil


--- Quote from: Neil jordan on January 16, 2025, 10:08:42 PM ---I’ve got a problem with my Dwa
BMW say it’s not working
But my hex sees module
Can I add my alarm with hex now ?
Cheers neil

--- End quote ---

BMW tools, or a qualified garage says it's not working?

When you say 'Hex sees module' do you mean it's listed in the autoscan? That simply means it's responding to diagnostic messages on internal CAN.

The GS-911 can perform retrofit and marrying of these controllers yes.
What bike are you doing the work on?

Neil jordan:
2015 bmw gsa
I tried to marry it today
It will not do it ( well I don’t think it has )

You do the retro fit / marry part
It then tells you you can go to another section
To adjust things ?
But no vin number is showing
And in another part there is loads of calibration things
But it says not calibrated
I’m sure I have the right unit 554348
Guy off eBay said it was old new stock he bought from dealership it looks brand new


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