I can report that the Bluetooth works just fine with a Verizon Ellipsis-7 tablet - which Verizon (US) was giving away several times this year. Works like a charm.
Thanks Don, added to the list.
1 - An option on where to store log files - since space on the primary memory can be at a premium, but memory cards are cheap.
I think you can do this by installing/moving the app to the card instead of internal memory.
As far as I remember, the app cannot write wherever it wants to due to Android security constraints, but if you install it on the card, the logs are on the card.
2 - Would be lovely to have the plotting capability of the full Windows app on a tablet - that would make it unnecessary for me to drag my old Netbook along on long trips.
And I also have a Verizon branded Samsung Galaxy S-4. Works fine on that also (unlike my Verizon HTC-Incredible-II that I was never able to get it working.)
I guess the Verizon HTC-Incredible is not that "Incredible"