Author Topic: R1200GSA Quick shifter coding  (Read 15948 times)


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R1200GSA Quick shifter coding
« on: January 18, 2024, 11:50:22 PM »
Hi all, can the gs 911 code a quick shifer to my bike? Ive retro fitted a used bmw quick shifter to my bike 2015 R1200gsa and took the bike to my local main dealer to have it coded in. They had it for 3 days trying to upload the sofware and couldn't do it for some reason, they asked if i had messed about with the bike using a gs 911. I told them  i had one but only used it for reading error codes.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 12:22:25 AM by gs-riders »


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Re: R1200GSA Quick shifter coding
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2024, 09:51:36 AM »
Hi gs-riders

I'm not completely sure whether this is possible at all, but for our software this is not possible, we have started with retrofitting development, but this is aimed at things like LED conversions and alarm/TPMS module retrofits. I'll pass it along to the developers for review, but as I mentioned, I'm not sure whether this is physically possible - supported by the BMW dealership not being able to do it.

Kind regards and safe travels

GS Jim

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Re: R1200GSA Quick shifter coding
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2024, 07:32:34 PM »
For what its worth in 2017 I enquired at my dealer about adding the quick shifter to my then 2015 R1200 GS, in the quote was a part # 13618545879 Enable Code For Shift Assist $69.60 CDN. I never did do it and bought a new bike a couple months later. So adding it must be a thing I guess.


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Re: R1200GSA Quick shifter coding
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2024, 12:13:08 PM »
Hi all, can the gs 911 code a quick shifer to my bike? Ive retro fitted a used bmw quick shifter to my bike 2015 R1200gsa and took the bike to my local main dealer to have it coded in. They had it for 3 days trying to upload the sofware and couldn't do it for some reason, they asked if i had messed about with the bike using a gs 911. I told them  i had one but only used it for reading error codes.

As to be expected BMW dealers have NO CLUE about anything - its a std retrofit option !!!     Enabling code retrofitting shift assist. 13618545879    

the idea BMW peddle is the trash buggy junk software they put on bikes has a value - and they want you to pay for an FSC code to allow you the rights to use the software and have it supported for diagnostics / maintenance at a dealership

they will never have done this as few know its possible and far less ever tried - And ordering the software license is a two stage fiasco where you go order it and overnight they add to their systems the right to code that option to your specific bike - the price Jim has above is incredible, I'd have guessed $185 or thereabouts - without hardware or fitting any parts

if you don't do it this way they have the right and THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REMOVE non authorized toys whenever its in a dealership for service or recall work,_0A12_&diagId=77_0648

Cornering ABS - big money as the 5 axis sensors is costly,_0A12_&diagId=77_0812

Hill start for leaners,_0A12_&diagId=77_0678
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 12:22:03 PM by botus »