General Category > GS-911

November 2023 Software and Firmware updates

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--- Quote from: SportsCruiserAdventurer on December 08, 2023, 10:15:02 AM ---Any idea how to override or get the voltage to 12.5V? I have a battery tender, even set it up for cars mode and I can't seem to get it to 12.5V and keep it there. Cheers

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Start the function with the engine running, then you can kill it. It only checks the voltage once, but do make sure to keep things on a charger while coding.  ;)


--- Quote from: GS Jim on November 28, 2023, 12:21:08 AM ---I'll see if I can find some time today and try again, maybe the cloud is in a better mood today.
Are there different versions of the XKOMBIHI ?

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Thanks for the patience with the cloud issues everyone. Indeed there are different versions (specifically firmware versions) of the XKOMBIHI. We unfortunately did not pick up all the limitations in beta testing. We limit access to some older firmware, but some issues went unnoticed. Luckily we were able to make it work with the older firmware versions and enable the features so you guys can run the sports screen in the mean time until you get the updates from BMW!  8)


--- Quote from: GS Jim on November 29, 2023, 03:50:47 AM ---There is no tab to restore coding like on the sport screen, is this a oversight?

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Code Recovery will be coming with the first cloud update in the new year.

We take all the back-ups and we do auto restore of the last working configuration if coding gets interrupted or otherwise the controller is left with fault codes.
The final step, which is nice to have but strictly necessary for safe and functioning coding, is to expose all backups for self selected restore for these newly added controllers.


--- Quote from: GS Jim on November 29, 2023, 03:50:47 AM ---Changed the alarm arm delay to 90 seconds, and now there is no arming tone. I tried everything I could think of to get it back [...]

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I want to revisit the way the XDWA coding is presented in the new year too, but let me explain at least for now.

On the first screen you see:
"Select which coding categories to enable. This will override any possible alarm settings done directly on the instrument cluster."

Here you need to enable
"Arm/disarm tone"
If you disable it here then the next screen settings won't affect the functioning of the tone and you need to set it directly on the cluster.

Screen two you have separate options:
"Arm tone"
"Disarm tone"
If you enabled coding for tone on screen one you can enable one or both tones here. Let me know if you've run through all possible configurations and I'll have a look at your coding backups to see if anything obvious is different in your first configuration.

Hi, I've only just gotten around to trying out some of these new functions. Ive done the Sport screen, heated grip steps and the tail light as a running light on my R1250GSA 2023. All work ok, but with he sport screen with the BMW connected app active, I get a speed display of 48mph even when I haven't moved anywhere. Sorry if this has been discussed before, just can find it if it has. Is there a solution?

I've tried a few other things like rear comfort lights and etc but disabled them again to stop confusion.


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