General Category > GS-911

November 2023 Software and Firmware updates

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GS Jim:
USB to computer also and good wifi to router/gateway. After addressing battery voltage (new charger) grips and indicator coded fine but not TFT.
I'll see if I can find some time today and try again, maybe the cloud is in a better mood today.
Are there different versions of the XKOMBIHI ?

GS Jim:
So got the sport screen coded, added then removed lap timer screen. Set different start up screen (tried a couple). The main screen looks different, swoopy tach bar and different highlight colours.The actual sport screen is one page down and can not be used while having wonder wheel control of the Nav as would be nice.

Changed the alarm arm delay to 90 seconds, and now there is no arming tone. I tried everything I could think of to get it back (except leaving it alone) and no dice, it won't tone on arm or disarm. Lights flash (twice arm, once disarm) and it does work as I tested it. The warning tone prior to siren works.
There is no tab to restore coding like on the sport screen, is this a oversight?
Maybe the beta testing missed this.

Any idea how to override or get the voltage to 12.5V? I have a battery tender, even set it up for cars mode and I can't seem to get it to 12.5V and keep it there. Cheers

What is the make/model of the Tender ?, it will come down to either its power capability or the voltage it is set for

GS Jim:
I have a few Battery Tender and Optimate chargers but they are only good for maintaining the batteries as they only put out 750-800 ma and don't come close to keeping the voltage up when the key is on while using the GS911. The charger I use then is a 2/4/8 amp microprocessor controlled one set at 4 amp max setting. It varies the charge rate and keeps the battery at required voltage during GS911 use.


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