It works, but only through WiFi.
Thanks for the feedback.
It will be coming to the PC app in the future, but yes, only on web app for now.
We are also working towards consolidating processes which will eliminate this delay of new functions coming to one or the other platform.
Lot's of exciting developments. 
Any news? there seems to be an issue with which ZFE you have and whether this is possible or not. Or is it that the Motoscan app has been updated and he broke this feature?
Rip out £200 designed to fail fuel strip and find on the pump housing is the retaining clips for the £100 float sensor to clip on to. Float sensor Part number 16148554065
With the tank still eased back to get better access to the Pump, remove ZFE plug J1 and remove the cover and pull out the strip sensor inputs at Pin 34 (green with red trace) and Pin 35 (brown with blue trace). Now using a small tool, remove the circular blanking plug stopping you from relocating these two connections to the Float sensor inputs Black block Pin 21 (green with red trace) and White block Pin 37 (brown with blue trace). Then relocate the sensor input connections (at the ZFE).
Then you need to code the bike to accept the change .... but its not working on mine. Most (all

) successful changes seem to be when you swap sensor type on twin socketed J1 and J2 bikes with the ZFE High module.
It must have been possible on early bikes (pre GSA) had they used the float sensor on a ZFE Basic Low (Single socket) for some builds.
Then they brought out higher spec GS1200's with a trip computer using the ZFE Basic High (Single socket) and here lots of owners are struggling to make a successful change to the float sensor.
Whereas lots of owners with GSAs are having success. And indeed many other bikes like K1200s and K1300s
By 2010 I believe the fuel strip was std on low spec GSAs. But high spec ones with ESA etc. all used the Float sensor (check OEM 2010 GSAs either or sensor type listed, with the float using the part listed at top of my post)
Whilst motoscan supported the programming change first, plenty of pictures show a second feature to code in a two step process. But either one step is missing on ZFE Basic High modules and or the tool no longer works correctly. And the logic to "deactivate the Inductive Fuel sensor" sounds back to front as I believe the Float is the inductive unit
I can code FLS Strip to Potentiometer no problem, but it fails to function leaving behind 41778 Tank sensor heating element malfunction (aka motoscan code A2E9) fuel strip error code, plus usual empty tank bells and whistles on the cluster with no level display.
If I then disconnect any sensor inputs to the ZFE (leaving the potentiometer coded on) I also get float error code 41705 No fuel indicator (aka motoscan code A332) alongside A2E9 - that won't go away.
With the fuel strip coded, you can make a set of resistors connected up to all 4 pins that cancels fault codes, removes the low level flashing message, removes the low level amber triangle and shows a full tank of fuel.
Connecting the fuel strip's other heater circuit to the remaining two pins and trying to use the float on the float inputs doesn't get anywhere. Which makes me suspect either the trip computer / programming set up of a ZFE Basic High is different. And or the Motoscan app re coding feature is broken, but the developers are not listening.
So as I have a GS911 wifi where are with this tool please ?
If its not possible then there are plug and play gadgets to sent float input and fake heater info to the bike and not re-pin anything. And or DIY for much less. But as I have two expensive gadgets that I think should cope pressing a button is a nicer fix?