Author Topic: 2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed  (Read 11820 times)


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2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed
« on: December 31, 2019, 04:33:09 AM »
Several weeks ago I replaced the clutch pack on my 2011 R1200 RT.  Following the installation of the new clutch, I was initially having difficulty with having the bike run for my than a few seconds with each start.
Immediately after the clutch R&R and my difficulty getting the bike to start and run, I am fairly certain that I had the throttle slightly open upon engine start.   Since then, I have performed the relearning steps for the ECU and cleared and reset the adaptions.  the idle actuators were reset and a Twin Max synchronization was performed.

Current status:
1.  Now the bike runs well with the Twin Max being zero out or close to zeroed out at 2000 and above RPMs.
2.  with the ignition on but not running, the GS911 readout for the throttle plate is about 2.9% to 3.1%. 
3.  Upon start the engine RPM quickly (2-4 seconds) climbs to 2000+ RPMs
4.  rolling the handlebar throttle grip "forward" will reduce the idle speed to a smooth running 1100RPM and a GS911 reading of 0% for the throttle plate. 

Valve lash is correct
Spark plugs and coils seem to good based on the bikes good running at various RPMs
good battery voltage
Lambda readings OK
cables from the cable splitter to the throttle bodies

On a earlier forum reply (that I can not now locate) , Jughead said that the throttle should never be opened upon start up because the ECU will then interpret the opened throttle position as 0 when, in fact, it is open to some extent.  Based on the current GS911 read outs, it open at around 3% when the handle bar throttle grip is at its "neutral" closing position.   

Presuming I have inadvertently trained the ECU to see the throttle plate position as being closed that when, in fact, the throttle plate is actually about 3% open.  How do to I retrain the ECU to close the throttle plate to 0% as read on the GS 911? 

Thanks in advance. 


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Re: 2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2020, 11:03:12 PM »
Addendum to my previous message:
My 2011 R1200 is using the "BMW ...500" ECU firmware.  the bike was running well prior to the clutch R&R and is running well now with exception of the high idle speed.


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Re: 2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2020, 12:33:47 AM »
First check the tension of the accelerator cables. The clearance should be 1mm at the handle. The gs911 should indicate a throttle opening of 0%. If it is not the case, it is necessary to see if your potentiometer of the throttle valve (left cyl) is well calibrated. The starting value must be 364 mv. Then redo the erasing of the adaptations + the calibration of the actuators + the synchronization with Twinmax. Good work


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Re: 2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2020, 07:39:18 AM »
Dirtrider from the Sport Touring website suggested that the high idle problem I was having was due to cruise control cable being mis adjusted.  He was correct.  During the time I was was R&R the clutch, the cable splitter box was displaced out of the way.  I did not know to inspect to see if the cruise control adjustment cable adjustment had been pulled apart inside its sheath.  It was and was pulling on the throttle cables in the splitter box.  Once the cruise control cable was properly reassessed, the high idle problem was resolved. 


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Re: 2011 BMW R1200 RT high idle speed
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2020, 07:04:06 PM »
Yes, make sure that all cables are in place and with the prescribed clearance. This cruise cable is often forgotten.
Good road.