"also i bought it to change Miles to KM"
Shown in the Riders Manual:
Selecting submenu
Change unit of measure forspeed: UNIT SPEED KM⁄H or UNIT SPEED MPH
Change unit of measure for odometer: UNIT ODO KM or UNIT ODO MLS
Change unit of measure for temperature: UNIT TEMP DEG: C or UNIT TEMP DEG: F
Change unit of measure for average consumption: UNIT CONS L⁄100, UNIT CONS MPG: US, UNIT CONS MPG: UK or UNIT CONS KM⁄L
Set 24-hour or 12-hour mode for clock: UNIT CLOCK 24 or UNIT CLOCK 12
"abs functions on it for example to bleed abs"
...bleeding ABS-System as documented in the repair and service manuals. There is no GS911 function.
Maybe there is a bleeding test to find trapped air bubbles. Than you have to repeat this documented bleeding.
Simple precise workmanship!
http://www.hexcode.co.za/products/gs-911/function_charts/xabs_func_chartXABS Function Tests
Pump actuation test yes - yes
ABS Bleed test yes - yes
Hope this helps