General Category > F Series
Fuel Pump Replacement & Adaptation - F650GS Twin
I am about to replace the fuel pump on my wife's 2010 F650GS Twin.
Both the BMW RepROM and the Haynes manual mention the necessity of resetting adaptation values of the engine management system after installing a new fuel pump.
However having read many threads and watched YouTube videos of fuel pump replacements no one mentions doing anything with adaptation values when replacing a fuel pump.
Does anyone have an informed view on whether this is actually necessary? What values would have to be reset?
Thanks for any assistance.
The UTube video's and many on forums do not understand the the reasons for resetting adaptions or for that matter the importance of using diagnostics to fault fins on modern machines so it is not surprising they fail to mention the reset & rebuild
The reset & rebuild in effect takes care of tolerance differences between components & in the case of a fuel pump where the pressure range could be between 3.,3 and 3,7 bar with a nominal of 3.5 bar there is plenty of scope for a considerable difference in fuel delivery between regulators
The question for you is really have you replaced the complete assembly as BMW would do in the REPROM or are you fitting an after market fuel pump only ?. Personally I would do a full reset of all values then a rebuild, that is a standard fault finding process anyway and you just may find the machine runs a lot better as 650 single owner found the other day while we were doing some fault finding
I am replacing the fuel pump only with an aftermarket pump.
Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
Thank you for the explanation. I will try to find more info on the reset process.
Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk
The GS911 PC App has about the best simple description of adaptions of each type that you will find anywhere and closely matches the BMW description, dont waste your time searching the web, you will mostly find mis information
The reset and rebuild of adaptions whether it is BMW car or bike plus many other makes/models is often a first step diagnostic in the process of looking at a vehicle, discussion with a BMW rep here on the subject was enlightening a while back he mentioned a demo bike on a ride day was reported in the morning by riders as a dog, he had a reset/rebuild done over lunch and afternoon riders reported how well it performed
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