Author Topic: 2015 R12RT LC - cannot update service reminder -- engine module not correct  (Read 17767 times)


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This evening I hooked up my GS-911 wifi to my '15 RT to check a service light on the dash.   Ive used it several times in the past, so I know the unit has worked in the pass and my RT's VIN is in the database.  Tonight I hooked up, saw a firmware update is available, and successfully updated the GS-911 wifi unit.  I then was able to access and clear all the no-longer present faults. 

Then the I attempted to access the service reminder reset page, I received warning messages basically saying the module was not recognized as authorized (translation from my memory; could be an inaccurate summary), but that's the gist -- happy to get a more accurate error statement if needed.  The iOS software on my iPhone is up to date.

Any thoughts/solutions/rhings to try would be welcome.



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Hi Mark, I'd suggest creating a Helpdesk support request for this if you haven't already: