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GS-911Wifi - error while trying to remove service reminder r1200gs 2016

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First time user here. Trying to remove a service reminder on a r1200gs adv 2016
Scans and reading data from the bike worked but kept getting weird errors like: no internet / bike model doesnt fit / got stuck a few times on "obtaining info" but still no go.
It's like I got close but it never happened.
What should I try?


We would need to know a little more re the PC, Windows version, GS911 PC Software version etc to assist

I tried using a Windows 7 / Android the most recent version downloaded from your downloads webpage.

Wifi reception is excellent  / PC was via Ethernet

A little confusing there, referring to Win7/Android. Have you downloaded and installed on Win7 the PC App, WiFi utility, updated the GS911 WiFi firmware and registered the GS911 WiFi ?. Then to reset the Service Indicator were you using the PC App or a web browser and Cloud services ?

I've tried on both windows 7 and android.

Used the Browser version on the pc and the App on the android. Is there a PC app version? where do i find it?]

Yes, updated and registered.


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