Author Topic: 2006 R1200 GSA, loud metallic click on start then no display or lights, F1 plse  (Read 23057 times)


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Rode the bike. Everything normal. Parked and 10 minutes later returned. Switched on ignition. When pushing the starter button loud sharp metallic click from around the fuel tank area. After this, no lights or any other display coming on when switching the key on.

Stood for a day, retried. Still nothing. Then connected GS 911 (Bluetooth version by means of USB cable). With ignition switch off, Battery Voltage is 12,43V, Ignition Voltage 0 V. Switching on the ignition (still no lights or display visible) values change to 4,9 Volts Battery Voltage and 4,7 Volts  Ignition Voltage.

After a while, without cycling ignition, the front and rear lights and the display came on (also displaying EWS!). Could not do Autoscan … but got “Ignition on, Gear selector Neutral selected and Kill Switch in Run position”. However GS911  indicated 12,4V Vbat and 12,3 V VIgn.  Still… “No response from controller”. Attempted the same for each control unit. Same result. Also got “Invalid VIN number”.

Then pressed the start button, loud metallic click from fuel tank area and everything (lights, display) went dead again. 5 Hours later, still dead… no lights or display.

Any help suggestions will by highly appreciated.


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How old is the battery?
Check voltage on battery terminals while starting, check connections + and - !
in addition check connectors to engine /gearbox ground and starter + for best conditions.
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Thank you so much for the F1 Schuppi.

Battery approximately 5 years old. Kept on 0,8 amp intelligent charger when bike not in use.

Unable to start as there is no power when switching key on. Instruments and lights only came on on two occasions after the ignition was switched on for a few minutes. At other times one can leave it on for 20 minutes without the lights and instrument cluster displaying. On these two occasions pushing the starter button resulted in loud metallic click and all lights and instrument cluster went 'dead' again.

If the Ring Antenna fails, will the instrument cluster switch on and will one be able to read the control units, either by means of Autoscan or attempting to access the individual control units?

Will clean all battery terminals and ground connections. Also thought about removing and spraying the Ring Antenna connector with ElectroClean?

Will revert once I've done this and few other checks. Any other suggestions will be highly appreciated.


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anyway, first thaught >> your battery died 8)
While cycling on ignition, the electrical system will pull down the voltage lower than 9V, so that there is no communication
to the modules.

If the Ring Antenna fails, Instrument cluster starts and display > EWS
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Some feedback and further request for assistance as the situation stands now...

Cleaned all battery terminals. Replaced the Ring Antenna and charged the battery for 24 hours. Latter seems ok i.t.o. voltage and brightness of lights after 4 minutes. Still unable to do voltage drop check when starting because... I cannot get the starter to run.

Switching on the ignition, nothing, but left switched on, after approx. 4 minutes the display and lights will come on. Different from before... EWS! off and gear indicator shows. Also GS911 can communicate with the bike. I believe the previous Ring Antenna was faulty.

Did an Autoscan without attempting to start, attached. Cleared all the fault codes. Activated "Start" button. Same loud metallic click and everything goes dead.

Switched Ignition off and had (non fortified) coffee. Returned, switched on and after few minutes and display and lights normal. Switched off without activating starter button. If I now cycle Ignition, display and lights come on immediately. Tried a few times over the next 3 hours without activating starter and each time display and lights come on immediately. The Autoscan done at this time showed no new error codes.

With Ignition On, when display and lights remain off (dead), the current draw is just over 6 Amps and as expected, Vbat and Vign drops to around 5 Volts. When the display and lights light up normally, current draw is only 1,9 Amps and Voltages around 12,5. What should current draw be in this situation?
I believe this situation is related to the BMS-K error "10444 Fuse activated for component Ignition Supply (starter relay, Immo (EWS) ring antenna, ignition coils, injectors)
The fault is not present now." What would cause this error message/where do I start looking?

« Last Edit: October 12, 2016, 07:53:58 AM by Skim »


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What would cause this error message/where do I start looking?

Did you ever measured the voltage on power supply of the starter?
Please use a voltmeter and look for the voltage at the 8mm pin of the
starter while starting / pushing the startbutton.
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Morning Schuppi,

Thank you for all your input. Did not check on the forum much the past 2 days. So did not do the logical voltage measurements as you suggested.

Feedback : I removed the fuel tank to get to the engine earth connection. Cleaned corrosion/oxidisation. Cleaned all accessible plugs by means of low pressure compressed air and contact cleaner. Removed and tested starter relay and starter. Cleaned all connections. Unfortunately I did not check after each action. Once done, tested by switching on ignition. All seemed fine except that by this time the battery voltage was 12,1 Volts. Tried the start button and the solenoid activated and only just cranked the engine before quitting.

Got a new battery yesterday. Filled with acid and left to charge overnight. This morning all well, engine cranks healthily and started immediately. Once again, thank you very much for all the help.

Autoscan after all this....

Factory I-Level: Not set
Actual I-Level: Not set
Is this acceptable?

And then the next headache,
Integral ABS 2 - CAN
24048 Pump motor defective
The fault is currently present.
24049 Power Supply to Pump motor faulty
The fault is currently present.

think I need a break... because I need to find out where to start.


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Dont know what the BMSK is reading now? Your Scan from 2016/10/11 shows
Factory I-Level: K024-06-08-500
Actual I-Level: K024-06-08-500
If there are no other issues I would drive without remorse 8) :)

24048 Pump motor defective
Well known fault, also discussed in this forum with F1 ;)
> clamped brushes of this pump motor :(
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Hi Schuppi,

Thank you. Read all the bits about the ABS-2 pump motor on the forum. Will take a break from the motorcycle for a while and decide on next action on the pump motor.

Is the Factory and Actual I-Level you quote not from the ZFE-Basic Controller?

Not sure what to make of the "Not Set" levels on the BMS-K controller.

Keep well.


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Hi Schuppi,

Thank you. Read all the bits about the ABS-2 pump motor on the forum. Will take a break from the motorcycle for a while and decide on next action on the pump motor.

FWIW, I refurbish the ABS modules with a 5 year warranty.


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FWIW, I refurbish the ABS modules with a 5 year warranty.

Thank you Jughead. Got info about the service you render on the web. Sent a request through on your website on Friday. The GSA belongs to friend. Told him about it and will forward your reply/quotation to him for consideration.