Author Topic: s1000rr 2011 ignition going off while riding  (Read 14696 times)


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s1000rr 2011 ignition going off while riding
« on: July 20, 2016, 02:31:10 PM »
firstly hi , i have a 2011 s1000rr that when riding it the  dash goes out and bike coasts, turn the key off then back on and its fine until the next time,and thoughts or suggestions please .
thank you


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Re: s1000rr 2011 ignition going off while riding
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 03:57:29 AM »
I have repaired a few dash assemblies including one S1000RR dash, they operate at 5v internally and the 5v regulator has a very aggressive protection routine which turns it off if over current is detected, on the assemblies I have worked on it has always been dirt build up causing leakage currents so cleaning the circuit board has resolved the problems.

Your symptoms are a little different though, none of the assemblies I have looked at required cycling ignition.  One possibility is the firmware may be getting to a combination of events it cant resolve and so is shutting down, check all incoming wiring to the unit to see if a sensor signal is causing the problem