I am in the process of trying to setup my R1200GS (2007) with new tyre pressure sensors (the old ones had flat batteries).
The replacement sensors are brand new out of the packet, one had a sensor ID sticker the other did not.
The first thing I did was clear the existing sensor IDs (there were entries for both A and B), no problems at this stage. I also changed the instrument display from BAR to psi.
I then tried to enter the sensor ID for the one that did have a sticker on it...but I got the following error message 'Negative response received from controller, request out of range.', I checked all the normal stuff like ignition on, kill switch set to run, in neutral, cycled the ignition, unplugging the USB lead etc.
After several goes and hunting around here I gave up.
So I tried the manual method & learning routine next i.e. letting out some air to bring the sensor to life.
When I try the sensor learning routine the GS-911 software starts the process and the message about learning pops up for a while, but then it errors out with the message 'No response from controller'.
But this is where it gets interesting...if I subsequently select Realtime Values, the pressure & temperature for the wheel I just tried to learn is displayed, if I let some pressure out of the tyre sure enough the pressure displayed drops. The controller can clearly see the output from the sensor(s) so the sensor must be 'awake' and transmitting and the controller receiving the data.
I am running 1606.1 with a GS-911usb and have tried a Surface 3 with Windows 10 and a Dell laptop with Windows 7, no difference on either. Also tried a different USB cable.
Has anyone managed to set a sensor ID or learn one with version 1606.1?
Please tell me there is a solution to this...the nearest BMW dealer is a 3.5hr round trip away