Author Topic: Which R-bike side does HEX consider to be #1 cylinder, LEFT or RIGHT?  (Read 20622 times)

Dr. Greg

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I recently received an O2 sensor error from GS-911 for my 2013 R1200GSW (liquid-cooled).  It was for cylinder 1, but I don't know which side HEX considers to be "cylinder 1"...LEFT or RIGHT?

I have heard that HEX's cylinder convention is opposite to BMW' that true?

The official BMW "Data sheet, valve clearance" indicates: "Cylinder left 2" and "Cylinder right 1"

I have asked this question on various BMW/GS forums, and have heard both answers, so I wonder if ANYONE knows for sure?  But I'm curious what the opinion is here...thanks for any information.


German Larrain (Chile)

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Don't ask me where I read it, but cylinder #1 is the right one.


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Don't ask me where I read it, but cylinder #1 is the right one.

Correct.  Easy to check.  Unplug the injector and check for errors generated.  Unplugging LHS injector (when seated on the bike) will produce an error code "10151: Injector valve 2"