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Where is the prompt to add a new VIN

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Hi, so here goes my first post, and very noob question.
Recently purchased a used GS-911 USB Enthusiast (Yellow). When connected with my R1150GSA and usb hooked to my Mac comp (bootcamp Windows 10), I don't seem to see the prompt to enter a new VIN. I can see from the 'About' button of the VIN list (3VINs previously entered), so could someone tell me where is the click to add a new VIN?

There is no button as such, when you go into a maintenance function for the first time it will pop up a warning that the new VIN will be added

Thanks WayneC,

Can you elaborate what is maintenance function? If its one of the controller eg in Realtime values and perform a scan on either controller ie TPS, i did not get any prompt for VIN to be keyed in. Also another leading question, would a non-VINed GS911 see lesser in function/operation than one with?

There is no difference in functionality between a Pro and enthusiast version (you call VIN'ed) only the VIN limit on the enthusiast

Real time values, read fault codes, auto scan are all items which are able to be used with as many machines as you like as they are emergency functionality

The component testing, adaption resets etc are maintenance functions and it is only on those detailed ECU routines the VIN limit kicks in and you are warned/prompted that it is about to add the VIN to the list

You will understand it better once you select an ECU and go into the sub menu's for output tests etc


--- Quote from: WayneC on April 05, 2016, 03:26:31 AM ---There is no difference in functionality between a Pro and enthusiast version (you call VIN'ed) only the VIN limit on the enthusiast

Was sth else but i gathered from your answer that with only VIN logged in will one get to use the maintenance function.

Real time values, read fault codes, auto scan are all items which are able to be used with as many machines as you like as they are emergency functionality

The component testing, adaption resets etc are maintenance functions and it is only on those detailed ECU routines the VIN limit kicks in and you are warned/prompted that it is about to add the VIN to the list

You will understand it better once you select an ECU and go into the sub menu's for output tests etc

I obviously have missed this, will get around it. Thanks again WayneC for the lead.

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