Author Topic: Good/Bad Lambda plot  (Read 11941 times)


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Good/Bad Lambda plot
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:36:07 PM »
Just wondering if anyone on here with heaps more experience than me could take a quick look at the attitude Lambda plot picture?

The whole plot is over about 12 minutes so is quite compressed, and starts with the bike cold and non running. The bike started its stalling shenanigans with a stall at 339777ms then again at 489212, and a few more attempt in between and afterwards.

To my mind the plot spends too much time at high level particularly between 522686 and 583728 but that may just be my incorrect interpretation.

I have a second plot showing Lambda and RPM just in case it helps, in fact everything was being logged during this test.

I would appreciate if anyone has some time to give their interpretation.



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Re: Good/Bad Lambda plot
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2016, 11:26:26 PM »
PWe, I have not seen a plot like yours so I cannot help with a diagnosis.
I have attached two plots from my bike that I took about a year ago as I recall, the first is after reconnecting the battery before setting the tps, the second is following the setting of the tps and is a "normal" plot for my bike.


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Re: Good/Bad Lambda plot
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 12:31:29 AM »
Thanks Alex, your plot is what I was expecting, and what I get before the bike gets warm. I suppose I need to be careful as my plot is over several minutes whereas yours and others I have seen have been over much shorter periods ( a few seconds if that). Even though, I think the amount of time mine spends above 800mv looks wrong.
I may disconnect the klambda sensor ( I have seen posts that say this will have little effect and posts that say it will render the bike useless) just to see what happens, don't want to spend £80 on a new sensor if I can't prove a fault first!
Thanks again


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Re: Good/Bad Lambda plot
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 02:11:31 AM »
If the bike is stalling then the first step is to clean to idle actuator then when you know the actuator and the air pathways for it are clean do an adaption reset using the GS911 PC software (preferably when the engine is cold) and when done rebuild adaptions by idling the bike until the fan kicks in

The 02 sensor can be disconnected but the BMS-C will run in open loop rather than closed loop so you will have increased fuel consumption

To look at the o2 sensor log, open it in a spreadsheet and just average the readings and see what the average is, beyond that you are looking at the graph to confirm the sensor is not slow to react, that is the most common fault with ageing of the sensor. You can also clean the sensor, carbon build up on it can be a cause of problems