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GS-911 / Re: Heated Grips on K51 (2016 r1200GSAdventure) - 5 grip settings
« Last post by Adam westerman on April 10, 2024, 10:07:35 PM »
On my 2016 GSA I just set the heated grips to have 5 settings.   I set them at the % I wanted and then pushed it.  I had read it wasn't possible and I know the screen only has the two ticks.   

What I'm experiencing is that when turning on the grips, I get the two ticks.. then 1 tick, then off.  Then I press again and the indicator stays off.  Then again and the indicator stays off, then again and the indicator still stays off.

Does this mean I now actually have 5 levels set and the 6th press is to turn off the grips?   Or is my bike just confused because I pushed a 5 level grip setting to it. 

If this is the case I'm happy as I can use my EZCAN on heated jacket and have the ability to set more levels instead of using an the Aux 2 light setting.

My wife's 750 is the same and wonder the same we set her grips to 5 and her dash (none tft) only show 3 dots for heated grips when when setting 5 and then you press heated grip button once it's shows nothing press again shows nothing press 3rd time gives me 3 dots 4th time 2 dots 5th time 1 dots so is this the same of it's now actually got 5 settings but the dash is not capable of telling us this info?
Interested if anyone knows the answer to both our questions
GS-911 / Re: F750 GS alarm setting tone
« Last post by Adam westerman on April 10, 2024, 09:59:13 PM »
Hi gs Jim yeah I have just read that post was about a 1200/1250 so I copied the settings from there and guess what it seemed to work perfect now 😉 😄, first time using the gs911 so thought would test on our own bikes 😃 so next stop will be friends tft and putting sports screen onto it 😀 as the wife is not TFT  :(
GS-911 / Re: F750 GS alarm setting tone
« Last post by GS Jim on April 10, 2024, 09:49:48 PM »
There are few things worse than breaking your wife's bike.
You may yet be able to redeem yourself.
There has been a thread related to this exact issue. Read through it and emerge from the dog house with dignity (hopefully).,4799.msg16490.html#msg16490
GS-911 / F750 GS alarm setting tone
« Last post by Adam westerman on April 10, 2024, 08:31:37 PM »
Hi all hoping someone can help,
Tried coding an alarm on f750gs but now when the alarm sets it only flashes the indicators and will not give the arming tone were as it did before, everything is enabled as it should be for the arming tone but also I reverted it back to how it was but still the same, very strange, this is also the wife's bike so she thinks I have broken it now 😀,  please helps guys
Technik / циркониевые коронки для зубов
« Last post by Bogdanuem on April 09, 2024, 05:30:32 AM »
Здравствуйте дамы и господа.

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию замечательный сайт для заказа услуг стоматологии в Минске.К вашим услугам лучшие стоматологи Минска с многолетним стажем.стоматология минск,удаление зуба, отбеливание зубов,лечение зуба,удаление зуба мудрости,стоматология минск цены и стоматология платные услуги минск.
В случаях, когда терапевтическая стоматология бессильна, приходится прибегать к хирургической. А если зубосохраняющие операции не принесут результата, прибегают к удалению зуба.Необходимость вырвать зуб возникает при:полном или сильном разрушении кариесом;наличии кисты;острых формах периодонтита;количестве зубов выше нормы;неправильном расположении в десне — актуально для зубов мудрости, нередко растущих перпендикулярно основному зубному ряду;установке брекет-системы или зубного протеза;физическом травмировании, смещении в десне, невозможности восстановительной операции.Рекомендации после удаления.После операции в десне остается открытая лунка, на которую иногда накладываются швы. Нежелательно касаться лунки языком, дав сформироваться кровяному сгустку. По той же причине рекомендуется не принимать пищу на протяжении 3-4 часов после посещения стоматолога. Необходимо некоторое время воздерживаться от горячей еды и напитков, а также алкоголя. Несоблюдение рекомендации приведет к увеличению периода заживления и болезненным ощущениям.Качественно и безопасно вырвать зуб в Минске можно платно. Цена удаления зуба в стоматологии  зависит от количества корней, расположения, сложности удаления. Операция проводится квалифицированными хирургами-стоматологами.
От всей души Вам всех благ!
съемные зубные протезы пользование
система для отбеливания зубов global white
имплантация нижнего зуба 4
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хранение пластинки для зубов
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коронка на зуб металлокерамика
выбрать зуб отбеливание
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металлические брекеты фото
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удаление капюшона зуба мудрости
гигиена полости рта акция
отбеливание зуба
имплантация зубов все на 4
лечение пульпита этапы
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зубное протезирование импланты
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удаление 11 зубов
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безметалловая керамика цена
чистка канала после удаления зуба
снятие зубных отложений скалером
самолигирующие брекеты цена
GS-911 / Re: What is being tested in beta
« Last post by Greddyl30pjg on April 08, 2024, 05:51:58 PM »
With the GS911 you can have the rear multifunctions as indicators only without brake light or marker lights. Indicators and marker lights without brake lights or as they are from the factory. Its also very easy to switch off the front cruising lights and reactivate the rear centre light as a daytime running light.

Unfortunately there is no way to make the brake light or marker light go out on the side that you are indicating on with coding only. Some hardware modification is required to be able to do this and after trying the aforementioned options, I elected to install Weiser Technik wizard modules.

Thanks for taking the time to reply - appreciated

Having the centre rear light acting as a brake light only (vs centre AND indicators) should do the trick
Hopefully then when braking the indicators will still be visible yet the centre light will still kick out enough light to let folks behind know im braking
Thanks again
GS-911 / Re: What is being tested in beta
« Last post by stuipooey65 on April 07, 2024, 11:29:33 AM »
With the GS911 you can have the rear multifunctions as indicators only without brake light or marker lights. Indicators and marker lights without brake lights or as they are from the factory. Its also very easy to switch off the front cruising lights and reactivate the rear centre light as a daytime running light.

Unfortunately there is no way to make the brake light or marker light go out on the side that you are indicating on with coding only. Some hardware modification is required to be able to do this and after trying the aforementioned options, I elected to install Weiser Technik wizard modules.
GS-911 / Re: What is being tested in beta
« Last post by Greddyl30pjg on April 06, 2024, 10:48:30 PM »
Multifunction indicators. This is the new combined tail light and indicators featured on some newer models. Beta coding on the XBCL body controller is being tested to customise the brightness and behaviour of these lights.

Hi- first post after purchasing the GS911
I have a 2021 1250GSA & im curious about how the rear indicator functions can be modified once released

Would it be a case of the rear indicators dont get any brighter once the brakes are applied (just he center light functions as a brake light) so the turn signals are more visible?
Or would there be an option so that the rear indicators work as they currently do but then any red light is cut from that side once turn signal is applied?
(I.e you turn left & the both the running light & brake light is temporarily disabled on that side whilst indicating to then come back on once the turn signal is cancelled)

ezCAN / Re: new install on f800 gt
« Last post by Noggin on April 06, 2024, 01:53:04 PM »
RFI from accessories is a well known issue, particularly newer wireless charging systems taking out EWS, quite a thread on it on an Oz forum, also had issues on the Husky TR650 models affecting EWS resulting in no start situations
Could you supply a link to Oz forum please so that I can read up on what they've  got to say
ezCAN / Re: new install on f800 gt
« Last post by WayneC on April 06, 2024, 03:39:43 AM »
It may be that the electronics that are powered uo with the lights is emitting RF interference that is blocking the ability of the receiver in the RDC to receive the signal from the sensor(s).

RFI from accessories is a well known issue, particularly newer wireless charging systems taking out EWS, quite a thread on it on an Oz forum, also had issues on the Husky TR650 models affecting EWS resulting in no start situations
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