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ezCAN / Re: Excan dont adjust brighting
« Last post by phantom044 on August 07, 2024, 12:37:04 PM »
I changed the cable socket locations of d4 and d7, the result is the same, d4s cannot be dimmed, no brightness adjustment can be made
GS-911 / Re: Win10- unable to install GS-911 Diagnostic Installer
« Last post by Francois Barnard on August 07, 2024, 12:23:45 PM »
Here is the log file's contents. Hopefully you can see and read it all, pasted below. I don't see a means to attach a file. I guess I'm too new.

DetailPrint: Downloading GS-911.exe...
Call: 3294
SetFlag: 13=6
File: overwriteflag=1, allowskipfilesflag=0, name="C:\Users\erins\AppData\Local\Temp\nscD2F1.tmp\NScurl.dll"
File: skipped: "C:\Users\erins\AppData\Local\Temp\nscD2F1.tmp\NScurl.dll" (overwriteflag=1)
DetailPrint: Download error: 0x6 "Could not resolve host:"
MessageBox: 0,"Download error.
Please make sure you are connected to the internet, or contact GS-911 support at"

Hi Paul,

The installation logfile indicates "Download error: 0x6 "Could not resolve host:"", which is quite odd since is an Amazon Web Services CloudFront server hosted in Frankfurt. As such it looks like there were DNS issues when starting to download the files, even though it had no issues resolving when validating the install.
We'll investigate if there were any intermittent issues with CloudFront at that time.

Kind regards,
What is this Bluetooth you mention, I use when it works on a iPhone & GS-911wifi device.  Plug in device set it up, connect it to cloud & all features usually work using your hotspot. 

Unless this is another device 🤓

Hi Davo

As you'll see the dates on these posts are quite old  :) This was for the GS-911 Blu devices that were manufactured for the old K024 bikes (<2012). With the migration to K001 bikes, we opted to build a GS-911 WiFi as Apple compatibility with Bluetooth were just too expensive at the time.

Kind regards
ezCAN / Re: Excan dont adjust brighting
« Last post by Ruan on August 07, 2024, 12:03:07 PM »
Hi Phantom044

If the D7s are working as expected in terms of dimming, it would be worth a sanity check to move the D4s to the D7s channel to see whether they work as expected in terms of dimming.

If they do, you need to ensure that:
a) the output for the D4s are configured as an aux light output channel.
b) the appropriate dimming is selected, i.e. 3-wire dimming if they've been connected as 3-wire, or 2-wire if not. If, for example, you've connected them as 2-wire and enabled 3-wire dimming, the lights will only be 100% on or off. This is due to the way the ezCAN dims 3-wire lights on the switch wire.

Kind regards
ezCAN / Re: To quote Cool Hand Luke....
« Last post by Ruan on August 07, 2024, 11:57:27 AM »
Hi There

Apologies for the delay here, whenever in need of immediate support, our helpdesk is the most direct contact line -

Then, regarding the issue at hand, that fault code for CAN bus comms malfunction would explain why the ezCAN isn't receiving any signals to trigger the accessories accordingly. We have identified an issue on a handful of older KTMs where ignition is not detected correctly, and rolled out a fix for this in the current beta firmware version. You can send through your device's configuration file (top right menu > export) as well as an image of your diagnostics screen to our support desk, and we'll get your device marked as beta to see whether this is the issue.

Kind regards
GS-911 Wifi / Re: K1200GT Halls Sensor
« Last post by Ruan on August 07, 2024, 11:51:49 AM »
Hi There

Could you please send through a full autoscan of the bike for us to have a better understanding of your question. Download the autoscan as a text file and copy/paste the text in your response here.

Kind regards
GS-911 Wifi / Re: Up (or up & down arrow menu for shifting)
« Last post by Ruan on August 07, 2024, 11:50:50 AM »
Hi Max

This functionality is currently still in beta under the shift light functionality (vehicle functions sub menu), we've been revising this and will most likely remove the option for up and down indicator on the gear display, as it really just doesn't make sense why you'd want to have a down indicator, and we've had the same behaviour you described - when enabling both, it doesn't display any arrows, which supports the point of it being impractical.

If you're unable to locate the menu, send through a full autoscan to our support desk:

Kind regards and safe travels
GS-911 / Re: Win10- unable to install GS-911 Diagnostic Installer
« Last post by Ruan on August 07, 2024, 11:46:58 AM »
Hi Paulhex

Thanks for the details provided, from that log file (given that you've confirmed internet connection), it could be either a VPN (masks IP so we can't verify to avoid clone devices) or a network setting (either ISP or your network), some routers block the ports required for encrypted data exchange, as does some network providers.

Usually though, this is just a VPN issue.

Kind regards
GS-911 / Re: Win10- unable to install GS-911 Diagnostic Installer
« Last post by paulhex on August 07, 2024, 06:32:04 AM »
Isn’t someone in Hex support monitoring this forum on their domain. I would, if I were them.
GS-911 / Re: Win10- unable to install GS-911 Diagnostic Installer
« Last post by WayneC on August 07, 2024, 03:13:19 AM »
Strong Internet here at home and top notch equipment that back it. Maybe the Hex servers were struggling for a few days.

OK, understood, Hex do have redundant servers to cover the world & ensure good response times but it may be worth letting them know, the times I saw issues on installers was always when W10 was swamping the PC WiFi/LAN interfaces with update downloads, has been rather annoying with systems I support away from GS911 installs
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