Author Topic: Husqvarna TR650 Strada & Terra  (Read 18466 times)


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Husqvarna TR650 Strada & Terra
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:19:28 AM »
I'm interested in purchasing a GS-911 Wifi Enthusiast as a diagnostic tool for my Husqvarna TR650 Terra & Strada adventure bikes.

When purchasing online do I select the GS-911 Wifi Enthusiast unit, and is there any special instruction I need to mention when placing and paying for my order?

Am I correct in saying that the V1503.3 supports both motorcycles?

What ECU functionality is available for the Husqvarna TR650's?

Are there any special cables or additional software required to support these model?


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Re: Husqvarna TR650 Strada & Terra
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 03:20:05 AM »
Yes select the enthusiast model, that allows up to 10 VINs for access to maintenance functionality, and no special cables are needed

The PC software version is now V1507.2  so you will be downloading that after your WiFi arrives, yes it supports both models, they are the same on all the ECU's. There is no difference in firmware in the ECUs between the Strada and Terra

One aspect of real time recording on both Terra and Strada is there is no room to place the GS911 under the seat, we worked out that fitting a smaller Lithium battery like the EarthX or AntiGravity freed up space. The info on that is over at CafeHusky in the Trivial Battery Thread
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 03:23:59 AM by WayneC »


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Re: Husqvarna TR650 Strada & Terra
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 07:35:22 AM »
Thanks for the advice Wayne, I really appreciate it. :)
Will definately pop over to CafeHusky and do some more research.