Author Topic: Fuel strip calibration  (Read 28778 times)


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Fuel strip calibration
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:13:28 PM »
I have an '08 R1200GSA with the fuel strip. I'm going to re-calibrate the strip as over time its got very inaccurate so have just downloaded the beta version to do this. I have removed the strip from the tank and its currently hanging up in a warm place to dry. My question concerns what I need to reconnect in order to do the calibration. The fuel pump has been removed and obviously I will need to connect the fuel strip to the pump. I will also need to connect the bikes canbus lead to the fuel strip connector on the external side of the fuel pump so the GS911 can communicate with it. But do I also need to reconnect the fuel pump controller as well? If I do that then as the fuel pump is going to prime as soon as I turn the ignition on, I'm going to have to replace the entire fuel pump back into the tank and reconnect all the fuel lines etc, while still keeping the fuel strip external to the tank.

I'm hoping I only need to reconnect the fuel strip to the pump and the fuel strips canbus lead to the pump. Can anyone confirm.



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Re: Fuel strip calibration
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 11:29:42 PM »
Well, in the end I just got on and did it. I connected the fuel pump and strip dry i.e fuel pump out of the tank. I only connected up the fuel strip itself and left the Fuel Pump Controller unconnected. When I switched on the ignition the fuel level was still showing what it was when I removed the strip. There were four bars on the gauge and a remaining distance of 252 miles to go. Not bad considering I had already done 280 miles on this tank so I knew it was way out! So, connected up the GS911 and ran the calibration software. After a couple of minutes and while the calibration was still running the gauge suddenly dropped to zero and the yellow warning light flashed on. The calibration then finished showing that it was successful. I then refitted the pump and fuel strip and put it all back together again. I then turned the ignition on and the fuel gauge was showing one bar and the yellow warning light still flashing. This went out after a couple of minutes.

At a guess I would say I have about 7 litres of fuel in the tank so I'm thinking the gauge is now properly calibrated. The OBC is still saying I have a remaining distance of 252 miles but I would think I have to ride the bike for that to reset properly so that will have to wait for a while until I can get out on it. Overall it seems to have been a success!