Author Topic: Hello from Michigan,USA  (Read 14999 times)

Gil F.

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Hello from Michigan,USA
« on: May 10, 2013, 03:30:11 AM »
Just checking in, I have had my 911 for a while but have only used it once. My wife owned a 2009 F650gs and it had a charging issue which turned out to be a bad stator.  My wife now has a 2013 F700gs and I ride a 2012 R1200R, we tour with another couple who ride BMWs so we carry the 911 along in case we have trouble on the road. I had it paired with my HTC thunderbolt but have not checked to see if it will work since HTC upgraded the software on my Thunderbolt.
2012 R1200R mine
2013 F700gs  wife's