Author Topic: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit  (Read 19875 times)


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(below in English)

Hallo, ich möchte mich zunächst kurz vorstellen: Ich komme aus Deutschland / Bayern / Oberpfalz, bin von Beruf Maschinenbauingenieur und fahre (nach 5 anderen Vorgänger-Bikes) seit 2010 eine BMW S 1000 RR (K46), EZ 2010 / 04.
Die BMW lief die letzten 12 Jahre weitgehend störungsfrei – allerdings kam seit Jahren immer wieder mal die Wegfahrsperre mit der Meldung EWS! im Display. Meistens an er Tanke bei einem Tankstopp. Eher zufällig hatte ich herausgefunden, dass zwei- dreimal Lenker von Anschlag links bis rechts die Meldung verschwinden ließ und das Bike fuhr wieder monatelang ohne EWS!.  Diese Abhilfe deutete auf einen Kabelbruch hin, ich konnte den Fehler aber nicht reproduzieren. Tendenziell sah es so aus, als ob der Kabelbaum in Fahrtrichtung rechts unter dem Lenkkopf (der gar nicht die Ringantenne unmittelbar verbindet) auf Bewegungen reagierte.
Letzten Samstag trat EWS! erneut auf – und nun steht das Bike. Sämtliche früher erfolgreichen Versuche führen zu nichts. Zweitschlüssel reagiert identisch. Ich habe das Schutzrohr des rechten Kabelbaums im Bereich Tank / Lenke geöffnet und finde KEINE Unregelmäßigkeiten / Scheuerstellen o.ä. Der am Display endende Stecker reagiert an sämtlichen Endkontakten auf ein Multimeter – unmittelbar unterbrochen scheint kein Kabel zu sein. Der linke, von der Ringantenne kommende Kabelstrang reagiert auf Bewegungen nicht.
Nun zur Abhilfe:
(1) ich habe eine neue Ringantenne bestellt, die ich heute erhalte und testen werde. Best case ist der Fehler dann weg (irgendwie glaube ich aber nicht dran).
(2) ich habe ein GS-911 in der USB-Version für Windows-PC bestellt, das ich noch nicht habe. Insofern weiß ich überhaupt nicht, was selbiges zeigen wird, ob es überhaupt was Hilfreiches zeigt, wenn das Bike im EWS!-Modus ist und sich natürlich nicht starten lässt.
(3) Einige Beiträge hier im Forum deuten auf das Steuergerät hin. Ich habe drin: BMSKP 7 723 397. Ich kann ein gebrauchtes genau solches zu einem akzeptablen Preis kaufen.
Meine Frage nun: wie muß ich vorgehen, wenn ich ein Austausch-Steuergerät in Betrieb nehmen will?  Wie macht man das Steuergerät zum Bike passend? Der Transponder-Code, den meine Ringantenne an dieses Steuergerät senden wird (wenn Ringantenne und Kabelbaum ok sind), passt ja nicht zum erwarteten Code in diesem „fremden“ Steuergerät.
Bekomme ich das alles mit Hilfe des GS-911 geregelt – oder muß das Bike zum Konfigurieren zum BMW-Händler?

Jede Unterstützung wird sehr geschätzt!

Viele Grüße

Hello, first of all I would like to introduce myself briefly: I come from Germany / Bavaria / Upper Palatinate, am a mechanical engineer by profession and have been riding a BMW S 1000 RR (K46) since 2010 (after 5 other predecessor bikes), EZ 2010 / 04.
The BMW ran largely trouble-free for the last 12 years - however, for years the immobiliser came on every now and then with the message EWS! in the display. Mostly at the petrol station during a refuelling stop. Rather by chance I found out that two or three times moving the handlebars from left to right made the message disappear and the bike drove again for months without EWS!  This remedy indicated a cable break, but I could not reproduce the error. It tended to look as if the wiring harness in the direction of travel on the right under the steering head (which does not directly connect the ring antenna at all) reacted to movements.
Last Saturday, EWS! occurred again - and now the bike is stationary. All earlier successful attempts lead to nothing. Second key reacts identically. I have opened the protective tube of the right-hand wiring harness in the tank / steering area and find NO irregularities / chafing points or similar. The connector ending at the display responds to a multimeter at all end contacts - no cable seems to be directly interrupted. The left cable harness coming from the ring antenna does not react to the movement.
Now for the remedy:
(1) I have ordered a new ring antenna, which I will receive today and test. In the best case, the error will be gone (but somehow I don't believe it).
(2) I have ordered a GS-911 in the USB version for Windows PC, which I don't have yet. So I don't know at all what it will show, whether it will show anything helpful at all when the bike is in EWS! mode and of course won't start.
(3) Some posts here in the forum point to the control unit. I have in it: BMSKP 7 723 397. I can buy a used one just like it at an acceptable price.
My question now: how do I proceed if I want to put a replacement control unit into operation?  How do I make the control unit fit the bike? The transponder code that my ring antenna will send to this control unit (if ring antenna and wiring harness are OK) does not match the expected code in this "foreign" control unit.
Can I sort all this out with the help of the GS-911 - or does the bike have to go to the BMW dealer for configuration?

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Many greetings


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2022, 08:43:23 AM »
Good morning Bernd

Unfortunately, while the bike is displaying the EWS error, no comms is available to the DME (BMSK), so attempting to run diagnostics with the GS911 will be futile. 

A quick check to see whether it is the ring antenna or the DME is whether the headlight comes on.  If it does come on when the ignition is turned on, the DME is fine and the issue is the ring antenna. 

If the headlight does not come on, the ring antenna will be fine and the DME at fault.  This basically means that the DME is not booting up, and will need to be replaced.

You will not be able to configure a new (2nd hand) DME with the use of the GS911.  It will require a visit to your friendly local BMW dealership.

I hope this somewhat bad news helps.  :o


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2022, 09:04:46 AM »
Good morning Jughead, thx for reply!
I'm in the office and don't have the bike available now. I seem to remember the following reactions:
(1) when I set the emergency engine stop, the display shows all the normal info. When I switch emergency stop, the display only shows EWS!
(2) the gear indicator shows correctly: depending on whether I use gear 1 or 2 or ... the correct display appears
(3) I seem to remember that the high beam comes on briefly when I switch on the ignition - but is then switched off and only the parking lights come on. At least when engine emergency stop is set so that EWS! (and nothing else) appears in the display). What the (high) beam does when I don't have an EWS! display via engine emergency stop, I don't remember exactly at the moment (it rather doesn't light up).
Something else:
I have deliberately misadjusted the cable of the rear exhaust flap so that the flap never closes completely. This leads to an error when the ignition is switched on, because the servomotor does not find the expected cable tension. This fault, which my BMW dealer always found and reset during the inspection, has shown no other effects on the bike for years. For a few weeks now, something on the bike has been beeping when this fault is registered when the ignition is switched on. Could these errors have messed up my control unit or its booting?  The beeping happens when the ignition is switched on "normally" and then EWS! comes on. If I avoid the EWS! message via engine emergency stop, the beeping does not occur either.
Perhaps this reaction of the bike will help you to assess what could be wrong?

If you were me, would you get a used control unit (supposedly with only 2,000 km on it) and have the BMW dealer configure the bike with it?  If I simply give him the bike (have him pick it up), he will of course install a new control unit for a huge price (if this is the fault).

Translated with (free version)


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2022, 11:23:47 AM »
The fact that your gear position is being indicated is a good sign.  If your DME was at fault, your GPI would be blank.  I would replace the antenna first.

You do not need to physically replace the antenna to check it.  Just unplug the cable from the old one and plug in the new one, letting it hang loose.  Insert the spare key into the antenna loop (you may need to use a cable tie to keep it in place) and use the other key to turn the ignition on.  Hopefully the issue will be resolved.  If it is, you can then dismantle the bike and fit the new antenna.  You will most likely need a security torx bit to remove the ignition module in order to release the old ring antenna.


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2022, 11:34:43 AM »
Jughead, thx. I'll keep you updated about my insights this evening.


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2022, 11:37:03 AM »
Let's assume that the trial use of the new ring antenna is unsuccessful. How can you find out if the wiring harness connection between the ring antenna and the control unit is OK?


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2022, 01:39:17 PM »
Just remove the covers from the 2 harness plugs on the DME.  you have 4 wires that run from the antenna to the DME, 2 of them being a yellow twisted pair.  Then just check for continuity from the plug on the antenna side to the same wire on the DME plug.  Check all 4 wires.


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2022, 02:32:20 PM »
Jughead, thank you very much. You obviously have profound knowledge!  To make sure I understood you correctly: I opened the wiring harness in the direction of travel on the right from the tank to the display because I suspected a broken cable there. There I found 1 twisted pair in white (or yellow) with two wires, which seems to be ok. However, the cable at the connector of the ring antenna leads under the tank on the left in the direction of travel. Should I open this bundle? Are both pairs of the 4 cables to be checked each a twisted pair? And do the two twisted pairs have a white colour?


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2022, 03:03:40 PM »
You should not have to open up the harness just yet.  First check for continuity.

Your plugs on the DME should look like this:

Pull the slider on the smaller of the 2 plugs and unplug it.

Cut the cable tie

And remove the cap from the plug.

Here you will find the twisted pair (White with brown trace and white with black trace)

Check for continuity from the 2 pins (green arrows) to the plug on the antenna.  There are 2 other wires (cannot remember the colours (green/brown??? and white/blue???)) that also come out of the same bundle at the DMW.  (I think the pin numbers are 8 and 57.  Twisted pair numbers are 55 and 43 (I think))
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 03:07:00 PM by Jughead »


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2022, 09:11:09 PM »
Hi Jughead, short feedback:
I plugged in the new ring antenna (hanging outside) and supplied with the spare key - result: EWS!, Bike is dead.
So I started to check the connection between antenna and DWS(-plug). First, the S 1000 RR is much (!) more much thinner cables in the connector. The color codes on the antenna plug were DWS plug hardly to identify. So I put a fine needle in the four "holes" on the antenna plug and the same on the DWS plug and measured the continuity with an Ohm meter in between. Result: three connections were "there" - but the white-blue cable to pin #57 is broken. I have bridged this cable with an alligator clip and - BIKE RUNS :-) :-) :-)

Thank you very much for your great expertise - without which I would have had to give the bike into the hands of my friendly (but expensive) BMW dealer.

Best regards


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2022, 11:21:24 PM »
 Result: three connections were "there" - but the white-blue cable to pin #57 is broken.

Hello Bernd

Great, well done!
Schönen Tag
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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2022, 07:02:19 AM »
Great!  Now to find the break.

Follow the harness from the antenna back under the steering yolk while turning the handlebars left and right.  There will be a point along the route where the harness flexes most.  It will possibly be just before/after where the harness is cable tied to the frame.  That is the most likely point of the break.

Good luck!


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2022, 09:33:56 AM »
The blue-white wire was fully broken only 2 inches away from the plug of the ring antenna. When I draw on the wire I could simply pull it out. Replaced this wire - bike runs :-) :-) :-)


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Re: EWS! Austausch des Steuergeräts / Exchange of the control unit
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2022, 01:16:26 PM »
Awesome!  We'll done!