Author Topic: 2022 R1250GSA Compatibility  (Read 13242 times)


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2022 R1250GSA Compatibility
« on: December 21, 2021, 04:13:59 AM »
I'm awaiting delivery of a 2022 R1250GSA.  This bike is going to be used in very remote areas, so no internet will be available.  I have a lot of bikes and often work on other people's bikes so I'm specifically looking at the PRO model.  Any help with these questions would be greatly appreciated.  1) Is the GS911 fully compatible with the new 2022 model? 2) I use an iPhone and a Mac, would there be limitations to what I can do using either of those devices and the PRO GS911?  3) Would I be better off getting a small PC laptop or mobile device dedicated to the GS911? I'm looking for the optimal setup to carry on the bike.


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Re: 2022 R1250GSA Compatibility
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2021, 01:44:22 AM »
You would be best asking Hexcode where they are in checking compatibility with 2022 models

Re the best in terms of diagnostics in remote area with no mobile coverage, a small Win8 or Win10 tablet would be optimal to provide full capability, I have a 7" Win 8 tablet for travel where I need minimal space & just tested the latest GS911 PC App on it without issues, one of the larger Win10 more modern 10" notebooks would also be suitable & give you more general PC functions at the expense of the slightly larger size


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Re: 2022 R1250GSA Compatibility
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2021, 07:50:47 PM »
Thank you, very helpful


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Re: 2022 R1250GSA Compatibility
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2022, 04:25:28 PM »

WayneC's response is spot on regarding a small Windows tablet that can be carried with you on trips - this will allow service functionality, things that come to mind that you might want to use while in the middle of nowhere is some output tests like actuate fan, and perhaps reset of adaptation values.

Regarding the other points:
1) We suspect only minor cosmetic changes to the bike and perhaps a new keyless entry module. To be certain that the rest of the controllers are supported, you can send through a full autoscan to our helpdesk once the bike arrives -
2) There is no functional difference between the GS-911 Enthusiast and Professional license, the Enthusiast is only limited by VIN count. While out of any network range, your GS-911 will be able to operate in D2D mode while connected to the bike, this is the emergency functionality mode. You'll be able to view/clear faults, along with viewing real time values and running an autoscan for an overview of the bike's condition. This should be enough with your iPhone, but if you'd like full service functionality while on the road, a Windows device must be used.

Kind regards