Author Topic: GS-911 V1912 (December 2019) software updates available  (Read 15872 times)


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GS-911 V1912 (December 2019) software updates available
« on: December 18, 2019, 01:02:40 PM »
Hi everyone

GS-911 V1912.1 is available for download as well as software updates for the GS-911wifi and GS-911usb Generation 2 interfaces.

The major changes in this release is support for 2019+ S1000RR and 2019+ HP4 RACE. There is also support for additional Engine service functions on the XBMSMP1 (engine controller found on the R1200 LC's).

Note that this is a ongoing project - see the function chart to find out what has been implemented already and what still needs to be done.

For more information take a look at our official release notes:

Thank you.


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Re: GS-911 V1912 (December 2019) software updates available
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 02:02:31 PM »
The last update is giving troubles in the pro version. When you connect the the device in the motorbike, you can connect with the mobile app but in the main page you receive a message saying a new updates is available and the button "series" to enter on the motorbike info is unavailable. So trying to get the update, you press the button to update and this has no response. So I tried to update via usb with the PC and has the same trouble. Im wating for and answer, i just can use the device on the mobile app.