Well now the fun starts. I posted a bit over at the Cafe, but to keep that topic clean, I have some issues that need to be ironed out. Hopefully you or someone can help me sort our my computer maze.
Here is where I am at. I run an intel macbook 2gz core 2 duo with 10.7.5
This is not good enough for the hex software, so I have parallels running windows 7 enterprise.
I'm posting using this setup, so I do have internet working.
About my internet, I run boost mobile with Pdanet and a usb cable. I have 2 usb ports, so I can use the usb on the gs911.
I can hook up the gs911 and navigate to and get the basic menu.
I can also open the hex software and click register and get my info to pull up.
My conclusion is...why won't it work? aaaaagh
I get a not connected to internet when I click on the menu from the page.
So I need to setup some sort of network within my mac using the windows or mac as a server?

Is this what I am missing?
I have at different times seen the gs911 tool pop up in the wireless window, but for some odd reason, on the windows side in paralells, it is not showing any wireless connections, just home or work networks and a message saying not connected to interenet.
That is what I think I need to fix.
Any Ideas?