Author Topic: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?  (Read 15228 times)


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R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:18:01 PM »
Hi there

I have just picked up a new R1200RT this morning and thought I would have a poke about the parameters on the bike with my GS-911. I found the OBD connector and opening it up and there is a red tag in it which stops me plugging the GS-911 in. Has anyone else found this, is it something I can remove? - Any thoughts.



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Re: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2014, 06:04:13 AM »
I'll bet you that it isn't the red tab that is holding you up only because I'm going through the same thing. Check my post and see if yours is the same problem.,780.0.html

Please let me know.



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Re: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2014, 01:48:33 AM »
Since I have not seen the plugs on the 2014 RT any chance of a pic ?, the second connector has me intrigued


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Re: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2014, 02:16:19 AM »
Here's a picture of the location of the proper plug. I didn't take a picture of the actual plug itself. The one pictured and the one under the seat look identical except for the position of one of the locators which makes it impossible to plug that one in to the GS-911. Which is a very good thing as I have no idea what kind of havoc I would have provoked if it had plugged in :-)

BTW, how weird is it that as part of verification to post they asked me what the torque in Nm for the R1200GS. Hell, I don't know! Had to go find the book...



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Re: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2014, 02:29:59 AM »
Thanks for the pic, I always wondered if there were different keying capabilities on the Kostal plug, we know it as the diags connector on the bikes but BMW used it on the cars going back to the late 1990's in the ignition circuit cabling for coil on plug, those one's are keyed the same as our diags plug. It surprises me BMW would use it for something else on the bikes, certainly confusing


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Re: R1200RT 2014 red tag in OBD plug?
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2014, 02:36:40 AM »
Well, at least they keyed them differently. You'd have to be pretty ham-fisted or very determined to get the one under the seat to plug in.
