I would definitely lodge a support ticket with Hexcode, since you are on a MAC checking with the PC App is not possible unless you can set up Parallels or another Virtual Machine system - https://www.hexcode.co.za/contact-us-1
Thanks for the reply, but I’m not quite sure what you’re saying.
I’ve downloaded & am using the appropriate GS-911WIFI app from the Apple App Store... not the PC app. After connecting the tool to the bike, and turning the bike on... I click the link at the bottom of the App interface, which then opens a webpage in my browser (Safari).
From the webpage, the bike model is detected... I can run the Autoscan, and everything works as advertised. That is until I go to the “Special Functions” link, and click on the reset service interval, and it says my VIN isn’t stored. I try clicking on the Add VIN link... and it just won’t take. I get the “Busy”, then “Disconnected” notices at the top of the page.
I can go try it again... take screen shots... and post them if you think it would help.
I was hoping I just had the power-up sequencing wring or something... I guess not.