A club member has an R1200RT registered in 2006 (so probably built in late 2005)
Factory I-Level is K024 - 05-02-510
Actual I-Level is K024 -13-08-500
So in August 2013 it had an 'update' but the revision number has gone down.
Would that be correct?
The bike starts easily, idles good and runs well at higher speeds (it's used for a commute of 20 miles or so, so gets warmed up).
The problem the owner describes is that when riding at much slower speeds (30mph), it feels like the bike wants to speed up.
A full autoscan didn't show up any obvious faults as such. Given we are in lockdown, I can't get over to look at the bike myself, and the owner is not very good with computers and the GS-911 (it took a long phone call to get the point of running the real time values). I will be speaking to him again at the week end, to maybe run the Real Time Values again.
One other question regarding the Trim Bank ! & 2 readings. At idle Trim bank 1 is reading 0.3%, and Trim Bank 2 is reading -0.89% (that minus 0.89%).
As I am not too sure what the trim values are, is this a viable set of reading?
Keep safe in this strange times!