Author Topic: Understanding Trim values  (Read 19492 times)


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Understanding Trim values
« on: June 22, 2016, 08:20:19 AM »
Hi to All,
Some questions on recorded data.

1)  Are the STFT and LTFT values all percentage values ?
2)  ( from memory ) my last STFT was followed by a -ve ( negative ). If the STFT and/or LTFT is negative its it displayed as -X.X . I can not understand the -ve displayed after the STFT value.
3) As I have two injectors on the R1200R, is there a reason I  have a recording for only one.  Is this single recording the larger / smaller / average injection time.
4) My STFT 1 and 2 are 4.1, 1.4 and LTFT 1.2 and 1.05, suggesting a vacuum leak ( which still can not be found ). All other PID`s look fine.
Is anyone aware of another method to verify if these Trim values are realistic.
5) What would be considered reasonable Trim numbers.

Sorry for all the questions, there appears to be nothing relevant  relating to motorcycle Trim information.