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GS-911 / BMW M1000Xr running in limiter
« Last post by Adam westerman on November 06, 2024, 07:41:29 PM »
Hey all hoping you can help, I have a customer wanting me to remove his limiter on his bmw m1000xr and this is something I havnt done yet on the gs 911 so was hoping you can shed some light on it all and tell me if it's doable as don't want the customer comming all the way to me and then no be able to do it etc,
Thank you for any info
Technical / Re: Please Help I broke my bike
« Last post by phantom044 on November 04, 2024, 04:51:56 PM »
How did you restore? Can you explain in detail? Can you share a QR screenshot?
GS-911 / Re: 22 R1250 GSA Alarm Tone does not work anymore!
« Last post by phantom044 on November 04, 2024, 04:46:38 PM »
Hello, I installed the original alarm on the r1250 gs and while coding with gs911, the TFT screen broke its coding, it started giving inconsistent information on the screen and finally I had to go to the authorized service, I definitely recommend doing a retrofit alarm coding with gs911.
General Discussion / Re: Can't install software
« Last post by Francois Barnard on November 04, 2024, 08:34:14 AM »
Hi all, I just received my GS911 in the mail! I managed to register it and i was redirected to the software download page, I downloaded the software (both regular and beta), but when trying to install on win xp, i get the following error : NCIS ERROR - error launching installer!

Hi Shane,

As you can see on the GS-911 Downloads page ( the GS-911 Diagnostics PC desktop application is only supported by Windows 8.1 and above. Did you purchase a red or yellow (legacy) GS-911 device? The Legacy GS-911 software (for yellow devices) still support Windows 7, but none of our applications officially support lower than that e.g. Windows XP, Windows 2000, etc.

Kind regards,
GS-911 / Re: 22 R1250 GSA Alarm Tone does not work anymore!
« Last post by GS Jim on October 31, 2024, 10:33:44 PM »
It might be that puts it at the edge of range, also depending on what might be in the bag. I place mine in a lower jacket pocket as I walk away and leave my tank bag on.
GS-911 Wifi / Re: Phone and GS911 on same netword
« Last post by geoffmurray on October 31, 2024, 09:39:58 PM »
Dual band.
GS-911 / Re: 22 R1250 GSA Alarm Tone does not work anymore!
« Last post by geoffmurray on October 31, 2024, 09:37:33 PM »
No I haven't. I just click the warning off and continue riding. It happened to me a little while ago at the start of a one month 14,500km ride and the first thing I did was change the battery. No improvement. i then removed the battery and made sure I could still start the bike with the key fob as well as the plastic key which I could so I just ignored it and continued. The warning usually only lasts a few minutes and then returns to normal function. I do make sure the battery in the fob is changed regularly but I just think it's a weak system. I keep my key in a tank bag when riding (inside the house when at home).
GS-911 / Re: 22 R1250 GSA Alarm Tone does not work anymore!
« Last post by GS Jim on October 31, 2024, 09:23:49 PM »
Have you solved your out of range while riding issue, I know it is annoying while riding cause the first thing you do is start feeling for the fob to make sure it is still there.
GS-911 Wifi / Re: Phone and GS911 on same netword
« Last post by GS Jim on October 31, 2024, 09:18:14 PM »
Which one is yours

Dual-band router
A dual-band router can transmit at both frequencies simultaneously. This creates two networks, usually with the same name except for a "2.4G" or "5G" at the end. You can then connect devices to either network.
Combined SSID
A combined SSID broadcasts both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz on the same network name. The router and device will automatically choose which band to use based on the device's capabilities and connection.
Tri-band router
A tri-band router broadcasts three networks simultaneously: two 5 GHz signals and one 2.4 GHz signal. This is a good option for homes with a lot of network congestion or heavy high-resolution streaming.

I use a combined.
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