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GS-911 / Re: GS-911 Software update... Now it won't work?
« Last post by Wilco on July 24, 2024, 11:42:02 AM »
No I can't run the application either.
I can locate the file but don't know how to run it??

Here's a screen shot.

Best to open a ticket with support so that they can walk through a troubleshoot process with you.
GS-911 / Re: GS-911 Software update... Now it won't work?
« Last post by DougM on July 24, 2024, 10:54:28 AM »
No I can't run the application either.
I can locate the file but don't know how to run it??

Here's a screen shot.

R1250 models / Re: Functionality Question
« Last post by RuanBez on July 24, 2024, 10:20:51 AM »
sounds good, thanks
GS-911 Wifi / Re: Adding external air temperature to screen
« Last post by Wilco on July 24, 2024, 09:29:20 AM »
Looking at the real time data I think it shows air temp, on the screenshot from this link it shows temp, but this could be a different screen.

The temp shown here was always on this bike (K51 R1250 GSA).
I've heard that the temperature sensor can physically be added on other models, but have not looked into it yet.
GS-911 / Re: GS-911 Software update... Now it won't work?
« Last post by Wilco on July 24, 2024, 08:14:05 AM »
Can you run the application, it's just the shortcut that's not working?
GS-911 / Re: GS-911 Software update... Now it won't work?
« Last post by DougM on July 24, 2024, 01:06:39 AM »

I have the newer red unit.

Tried your suggestion. I get the same pop up.
Hello. Thank you for your answer, I sent an e-mail to the help desk, but no one responded, in fact, it has been about a week since I opened this topic here, and no one responded. I took a backup of the motorcycle, but I have not sent it to you yet. I could not apply this to us because I do not know how to restore the code. I would appreciate it if you could explain it with a video. How can we send you the backup of the motorcycle?  I have a motorcycle service, but for now the GS911 scares us. I hesitate to use it because it corrupts the code software for 2 motorcycles. The latest software cannot code the original alarms, and it corrupts the original code database. Please make a training video for us, converting the motorcycle to the original screen, I would like a video on how to send autoscan backup data to you and including code recovery information.
GS-911 / Re: Adding DWA alarm
« Last post by Fleabag on July 23, 2024, 05:19:36 PM »

BTW, I met a guy from your team at BMW MOA rally in Redmond, I’m not sure who that was. It was interesting to talk to him about the recent updates you have been doing. Speaking for myself, I appreciate the effort with things like this alarm module, the recent update to the controller that allowed me to get the Aux driving lights indicator to work on my R18B TFT panel, etc. Much appreciated!
General Discussion / Re: quickshifter
« Last post by Ruan on July 23, 2024, 03:29:47 PM »
Interesting you should say ‘Not yet’ in your reply Ruan.

Does this mean you are actively looking into it and if so do you think it might be possible to add a Quickshifter to a K1300GT where it wasn’t an option to begin with unlike the K1300S/R models?

Guessing on the GT that particular part of the wiring harness might not even exist.

Inquisitive minds need to know… ;)

Thanks & kind regards,

Hi Glyn

Looks like this slipped under the radar. We haven't given it much attention, but I don't believe the option will be available to fit a stock QS to a bike that was never designed to have one, for these you'll need to look at an aftermarket QS most likely.

Kind regards
R1250 models / Re: Functionality Question
« Last post by Ruan on July 23, 2024, 03:26:41 PM »
Hi Ruan

Unfortunately, not on the 1250 bikes, this is something that was added with the new 1300 cluster controllers, and we're not sure whether this is available on the 1250 clusters. Will have a look once our inhouse 1250 is on the latest OE software.

Kind regards
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