Greetings All,
The GS-911 Wifi arrived today and I managed to:
- Register the unit, update its firmware, and configure my home wifi network from my Mac desktop.
- Install the PC software on my laptop and connect to the unit via USB.
- Install the iOS app on my iPhone 5S and connect to the unit via both infrastructure mode and D2D mode.
- Connect the unit to my K1600GTL and auto-scan (saved as baseline).
- Cleared the one fault (missing Sirius antenna) which wasn't currently active.
- Set the service reminder for my next service.
The one thing I couldn't do is connect the PC to the unit via infrastructure mode. Perhaps I didn't wait long enough for the scan to complete. I even found the IP address of the unit from the iPhone, quit the app, and then entered that IP address in the PC setup; still didn't connect. It did, however, work perfectly from the PC using USB.
Anyway. I'm very pleased to have accomplished this much in the first few hours of ownership. Since I will be doing my own scheduled maintenance, this will come in
very handy.
Best regards,