General Category > Engine related issues

2010 GS ADV performance issues

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Wes Patterson:
Hi All,

I'm posting here to get some suggestions to some issues with my 2010 GS ADV.  The dealer is implying that the GS-911 may be at fault.
Dealer quote "I know I have heard of issues with the GS911 system not syncing the throttle bodies the same way our BMW ISTA system does, and I also know the air induction valves are shut off when using GS911."

The issue is engine stalling, rough idle and run, and poor performance.  This seems to be very intermittent and I cannot associate it with really anything (even use of my GS-911).  Sometimes when I start the bike (cold or warm), it will run extremely rough (like a Harley) for some time.  It seems to have the most occurrences of stalling when this occurs.  Other times, it is like it has no power on take off i.e. stalls out (with some detonation/pinging or what appears to be backfire) when I give some gas and release the clutch.  Other times, it happens when I'm coming to a stop and blip the throttle when down shifting.  Occasionally, the bike seems to have over all low performance during acceleration i.e. lots of detonation/pinging.  Then there will be spans where it runs great.  Really odd and hard to reproduce for you.  But none the less concerning and disappointing.

The dealer is recommending
1)      Re-programming the bike
2)      Re-setting adaptation values with our ISTA system
3)      And setting throttle sync
Thanks for any suggestions.

Sound more like a tank full of bad gas or even worse water/contamination in the fuel, you may need to drain tank and replace fuel filter.

What are the firmware versions / iLevel on the bike at the moment ?

Wes Patterson:
Factory I-Level: K024-09-08-560
Actual I-Level: K024-11-08-510

Wes Patterson:

--- Quote from: TRJeff on October 09, 2015, 11:23:16 PM ---Sound more like a tank full of bad gas or even worse water/contamination in the fuel, you may need to drain tank and replace fuel filter.

--- End quote ---

TRJeff, the fuel filter is just a screen.  Already checked that.  Have had the symptoms persist even after adding a stabilizer or Tectron.  Both of these should remove water.


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