General Category > R1200 models

2007 RT stalling

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Vacuum hose? Where does that go to? Don't have vacuum hoses on the throttle bodies in SA. You may find the hose is cracked somewhere else en route to wherever it goes.

The vacuum hose is part of the US fuel evap recovery system.    The tank is vented through a charcoal canister to capture fuel vapors.  The canister is connected to one of the throttle bodies though a solenoid.   At start up (I think it's start up, not 100% sure about that) the solenoid opens so fumes stored in the canister are purged.   It is a reason that some bikes run bad for a short while when the owner tries to squeeze one more drop of fuel into the tank.  That can cause more than vapors to reach the canister.

Found someone else with the same problem I had. Changed the cam position sensor and rode the bike two full tanks. No stalling! I think its fixed. I'm attaching a scan I did a few months ago in Microsoft Excel. Is that the best way to save a scan?

I find a picture of the graph much more useful when checking the 02 sensor, I use the iPhone or iPad to take a picture and store it with my other logs

An up-date on my stalling problem: The cam position sensor change worked for 2 tanks of fuel and on the 3rd tank it started stalling again. I joined BMW MOA to get some suggestions on my problem. One of the known issues on this bike is the design of the fuel pump controller. I checked the connector on mine and sure enough it was corroded. I cleaned it and rode the bike about 100 miles. It stalled once at the beginning of my trip. After that it ran perfect. I have taken it to the BMW dealer for a ECU re-flash. That worked for a while, but as many times before it's only temporary. The dealer showed no trouble codes either. So what do I do next? I did clean the FPC connector again, pack it with di-electric grease, and purchased the new FPC controller. I used silicone grease around the gasket to seal it better. One of the stick coils is suppose to be another issue on this bike, but I don't have a known good one to replace mine with. I checked the connections on the battery and they are good. I filed them to be sure. Someone said they had the same problem I had and replaced the fuel pump. At $365.00 USD I'm not going to do the guess and replace on that one. I haven't put any miles on the new fpc yet. I'll post again after I ride the bike with the new fpc. 


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