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Problem with software download


sa airborne:
Good afternoon,

I have just downloaded GS-911 V1303.3 onto my 'new' Windows 7 laptop.

Everything was recognised (Bluetooth 911 module to your server) and I downloaded the GS-911 downloader utility without any issues, which steered me to the download page for the 911.exe file noted above (V1303.3).

This .exe file downloaded onto my laptop and installed without any issues.

My problem is, when I double-click on the Hex-911 icon to run the program, I get a pop-up telling me the software is more than a year old, and I must visit the site to download updates. I did this, but cannot find any newer version.

The current Beta software downloaded and installed without any problems.

Is the Beta version the actual current 'working' software, or is there a newer full version than V1303.3 that I cannot find?

Could someone kindly clarify this for me?

Many thanks in advance.


Paul Smith

Consider the Beta as the working version, it gets updated more often and the older stable version only gets updated annually

sa airborne:
Roger that Wayne,

Thanks for the notification - I'll continue with the Beta software.



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