General Category > R1200 models

R1200RT 2010 Not Starting

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if the fuel level is showing incorrect it will NOT be the reason.. there is no "Don't start if too little fuel" function as far as I'm aware.. so you're off the hook there..

look at the other variables in the engine controller.. 
 - view the realtime values of the Engine
 - start logging them...
 - then hit the starter button... (hold it for a while)

now stop the log and share the CSV with us...

we can then compare it to other bikes...
(or you can do that too...)

Also see our Tech section for more EWS info:
(you will see that we state teh following: "The Fault Code diagnosis: According to several dealerships and dealer techs we spoke to, a faulty ring antenna raises a Fault code within the BMS-K(P) only 50% of the time..."

also, if the battery is too flat, the ECU will impede the start... (but you should see that on one of the realtime values..)

Pls post a COMPLETE Autoscan...


Colin Edwards:
Thanks for your interest. I attach the autoscan output and the real time cvs file for the engine.  I note that the real time information says "Engine safety cut-out (BMSK) ON".  It also says "Kill switch STOP".  I have changed the left hand switch gear and I tested the electrical continuity at the switch and at the ECU plug for start/run/stop/grips/seat and all is OK.

While looking at the realtime values, cycle the kill switch several times.. it should read "RUN"... if it reads stop, the engine will NOT start (i.e. Kill sw not in RUN position)

If it does not change, it could be a faulty switch or wiring between switch and ECU

let us know what you find


Colin Edwards:
Thanks Stephan
I have cycled the switch - no change to real time values. I have tested the switch itself using a multimeter - all functions work.  When the bike was in bits I tested the wiring between the switch plug and the ECU plug - all readings were ok.  I believe there is a fault with the ECU so it goes to the dealer next week!  Will give you an update when fixed so that we can all learn.

keep us posted...

I have never heard of this fault as a result of the ECU... don't get me wrong.. it most certainly is possible... just highly unlikely...

what you can do is unplug the harness from the ECU and test the pin from the Kill switch.. that way you know the harness is either broken or ok... remember to move the harness while checking... sometimes there is a short or dis but only when under strain or moving etc..



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